Chapter 5

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It was all a blur. Somehow Bonnie had managed to find Damon, and Elena. She said some words and then Damon was throwing Caroline's unconscious body over his shoulder, rushing them to the plane. She heard him say something about knowing how to pilot a plane.

"What about Rebekah?" Elena asked as Damon buckled himself in and began flipping controls. The engine roared to life.

"The original bitch made her choice."

Bonnie sat on the floor with Caroline's head cradled in her lap. She was conscious again, but the poison in her system was taking over. Her head lolled back and forth and as tiny whimpers bubbled from her lips. Bonnie gently caressed her forehead, humming to her, trying to keep her friend calm.

"What are we going to do?" Elena asked sitting beside them. Their bodies shook as the plane moved, preparing for take off. "It'll take four hours to get back to Norfolk and then..."

Bonnie knew what Elena was implying. They would never make it to Klaus in time. Klaus was the only answer to werewolf bites. Even if they called him to meet them at the airport, there was still a chance she would succumb before.

"Bonnie," Caroline's weak voice stretched out to her ears, and Bonnie looked down at her friend. Her skin was warm to the touch, and her forehead glistened with sweat.

"Just hang on Care, just hang on," Bonnie said.

Elena grasped Caroline's hand and gave it a squeeze. They felt the plane lift off from the water and rise into the air.

Morning rays burst through the clouds, signaling the day, the pink and orange glow filling the plane. Bonnie chanted over Caroline, healing spells she knew, enchantments for pain, things that her Grams had taught her when magic was still new and wonderful. When it had been about communicating with nature and helping people. She knew it was useless though. Caroline was a vampire. A dead thing. Witch healing wouldn't touch her. But she hoped it would buy them time.

Caroline began thrashing about at one point, the effects of the venom taking over. She shouted for her mother, her father, and for Klaus. She cried apologies to people weren't there to here them. In a lucid moment she looked up at Elena, who still held tight to her hand.

"Tell him I'm sorry," Caroline said, not entirely lucid. "Tell him I didn't choose you over him. I just wanted to make everything right. I just wanted everyone to be happy."

Bonnie saw Elena's eyes pool with tears as she pressed a kiss to Caroline's hand. There was pain and agony and regret in each word she spoke. "Just hold on Caroline and everything will be fine," Elena whispered. "You can tell him yourself."

Hours dragged by, or maybe days. Bonnie thought Damon must have gotten lost and flew in the wrong direction. Time didn't make any sense when she was watching the life seep out of her friend like a sieve. Caroline's skin became ashen, then grey, her lips turning a sickly blue, purple color. She continued to mutter and whine and moan in her lap. A stark coldness crept up Bonnie's spine, one that she remembered feeling a few times before in moments before the worst tended to happen.

Caroline's eyes flashed opened. Bonnie jerked at the ferel redness she beheld in Caroline's usually sparkling blue orbs. With some source of strength, Caroline lunged at Bonnie, going for her throat. She felt fangs tear at her neck and cried out. Elena screamed, shooting forward and trying to grab Caroline fell forward, grasping at the wound on her throat. Elena wouldn't be able to hold her back for long, her younger strength no match for an older vampire.

"Damon!" Elena yelled.

"Hold her!" he shouted back over his shoulder. "I can't leave the controls."

Elena strained against Caroline's struggle, but Bonnie could see her friend's grip slipping. Caroline was beyond gone. She didn't know what she was doing, the only thought in her head was a craving for blood.

"Caroline please, save your strength," Bonnie said, holding up her hands. Elena lost her grip and Caroline flew forward, but she was knocked back again as Rebekah appeared out of nowhere slamming into her and holding her down.

"Where did you come from?" Elena questioned.

"Wasn't difficult to hide when you were all occupied," she grunted her answer as she held Caroline down. Caroline's fight jerked to a stop and she let go, falling unconscious again. Rebekah stood up and moved away from her, taking a seat on the opposite side from Bonnie and Elena. Elena offered some of her blood to heal Bonnie, but the witch refused. The wound wasn't so terrible.

"What happened to her?" Rebekah asked.

"She was hit with a bullet laced with werewolf venom," Bonnie said.

Rebekah's eyes bulged. "There were hunters on the island?"

"Apparently," Elena snapped. "This might as well be your fault."

"I didn't want her to bloody die!" Rebekah said. "Can't this stupid machine go any faster?"

"We're still two hours from the coast," Damon called back from the pilot's seat.

"What's the matter?" Bonnie said, her voice thick with ice. "Afraid of what your brother will do to you when we tell him you're the one responsible for her death."

Rebekah folded her arms across her chest. "If you think any of us are going to live if she dies, then you're more stupid than I orginally thought."

Caroline's coughing ended their argument. Three pairs of concerned female eyes snapped toward her. Her breaths stopped and Bonnie knelt over her.

"Caroline," she said, tapping at her cheek. "Caroline?"

"Is she dead?" Elena asked.

"Not yet, but soon. I don't know how much longer we have. We don't have two hours."

"What can we do?"

Bonnie shook her head. "I don't know." Then an idea occurred her. A risky one, but their best shot at saving Caroline's life. She looked at Rebekah who sat there stock still, staring at Caroline's withering form. "You."

"Me?" The vampire repeated meeting Bonnie's eye with nervousness and confusion.

"You have the cure. You wouldn't have come back to the plane if you didn't have it."


"If you give it to Caroline she'll become human," the witch continued. "Werewolf venom won't kill humans."

"No but destroyed arteries and bleeding out can!" Rebekah countered.

"Her wound isn't that serious," Bonnie went on. "As long as we staunch the blood flow, she can make it, until we get her medical attention."

Rebekah's mouth fell open. She hesitated considering the possibilities. Bonnie wanted to rear up and smack the hell out of her. They had trusted her. Caroline had been her friend, and she had betrayed them all for her own selfish gain.

"You better do it," Damon interjected from the cockpit. "You said yourself. If you think Klaus is letting any of us live if she dies..." he let the sentence trail off.

Bonnie watched the war of indecision flash over Rebekah's face before she finally relented. The blonde reached into her jacket and pulled out a small vial. Elena stepped forward and took it from her, before she had the chance to reconsider. Bonnie held Caroline's head in place, squeezing the sides of her cheeks to open her mouth. Taking a deep breath, Elena unstoppered the vial and placed it against Caroline's lips, pouring the murky brown contents down her throat.

They watched Caroline swallow and fall still again.

Bonnie looked up and met Elena's eyes. "I hope this works."

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