Chapter 13

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Sour yellow light slipped its way in through the gray, iridescent curtains of the guest room Caroline was staying in. She rolled over, opening her eyes and staring out the window. A small bird landed on the balcony railing outside, twittering a few notes, before fluttering off again to go about its day.

Caroline reached over and grabbed her phone off the nightstand, checking the time. There was a missed call and message from her mother, wanting to know if she was okay and if they had made it to New Orleans. She winced, realizing that she had forgotten to call her mom and let her now that she was alright—for the time being.

After making the call home, she got out of bed and dressed for the day, in a simple navy and white printed dress and boots. Her eyes passed over the lace gloves, deciding to forgo them for the day. For one reason, she no longer saw the point in hiding her curse. Secondly, they reminded her of Klaus, and for once she didn't want to be thinking about him.

She entered the hallway and looked across to his room. The door was open and the bed was made, sheets and covers untouched. He hadn't slept in them. With a sigh, Caroline ventured downstairs in search of breakfast.

Drinking with Cami the night before had been a little too much. The girl could throw them back. There was an annoying prick between Caroline's eyes and the idea of eggs with a side of bacon was sounding really good. Maybe some biscuits too.

"Morning," Bonnie said to her as she entered the kitchen.

"Good morning," Caroline yawned, sliding pulling out one of the fancy, leather bar chairs and taking a seat at the island counter across from Bonnie.

"There's not much food here, but I found coffee," Bonnie replied. "Don't vampires eat?"

"This one does," Caroline said, flinching at her own words. "Or did." Bonnie handed her a cup of coffee and Caroline shifted her attention to the silver creamer on the counter. She added some cream until her coffee became the right shade of brown and then dropped two sugar cubes, stirring it together with a little silver spoon. "How was last night?"

"It was good, actually," Bonnie told her. "Except they were mad when we got there and saw I brought Kol. He didn't make it any easier. Half the time I was asking questions about spells and the other half I was doing damage control between him and the witches. He really likes to ruffle feathers doesn't he?"

Caroline saluted Bonnie with her cup. "Welcome to my life." She took another sip. "Did you say anything about me? Do you think they'll help?"

"Well, there's definitely hostility going on between the witches and the vampires," Bonnie explained. "I didn't mention anything about you yet, but I didn tell them that I need to do a powerful spell that requires a lot of energy. Jane Anne thinks that as a Bennett I could do pretty much whatever I want, whenever I want. They had me do some magical tests last night to see what my skills were."

"And you blew them away, of course," Kol said, entering the kitchen. Bonnie shook her head in denial. "Come now, darling, don't be modest." Kol turned to Caroline. "Our girl had them shaking in their boots."

"So what's the next step?"

"Jane Anne gave me a book on potions," Bonnie said. "I'm going to cross reference it with Shane's journal and hopefully figure out exactly what it took to make the cure."

"Boring," Kol muttered, leaning over the table.

"Kol," Bonnie said, "has offered to help me."

Bonnie threw him a challenging smile. Kol, not missing a beat, returned it with a wink. "Love to, darling. Any excuse to spend time with you."

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