Chapter 18

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Klaus watched his brother and the young witch from the darkness of the shadows that lingered at the edges the courtyard. A spike of jealousy sliced through him at seeing the two of them together, Kol's hand intertwining with Bonnie's as the girl allowed his brother to pull her into an innocent dance.

The hybrid looked like hell in his rumpled suit, collar undone and jacket hanging open. The only reason he had dragged himself from his bed and allowed his mind and body to sober was the off chance that he would see Caroline.

He stared up at the moon above, remembering how important this night was to her. Klaus had never understood these banal human traditions, like Prom, but he understood that they were important to Caroline. When something was important to her, he could never allow himself to refuse.

"It burns, doesn't it? Seeing two people so happy together when you're so miserable and alone."

Klaus didn't bother to drag his envious eyes away from the pair as Silas approached. The warlock stopped at his side and turned to join him, watching Bonnie and Kol as they danced under the twinkling lights of the garden.

Silas chuckled. "Here we are, two of the most powerful beings in the entire world, nothing but a pair of lovesick fools."

Kol held her at a respectful distance. She giggled softly at something he said as he turned her. Klaus looked away, focusing his attention on the ground, the moment too sweet and intimate for his darkness to handle.

"I imagine you'll be going after your friend, Marcel when this is all said and done," Silas said. "A piece of advice from an old man-"

"I don't care to hear any of your advice," Klaus snarled.

Silas released a small bark of laughter at his interruption. "All the same," he continued, undaunted. "I've watched Bonnie Bennett and her group of allies, plot and try to find a way to get back at me. But it's simpler than any of you realize. Good revenge doesn't require a perfect plan, just patience. Look at me. I've waited centuries for my moment. All I had to do was wait. Quetsiyah was never going to win in the long run. All she could do was talk about eternity, but she never understood what eternity really meant." He paused and looked out at Bonnie and Kol once again. "What do you plan to do with your turncoat of a friend?"

Klaus scoffed. "Do you care?"

"Not particularly," Silas replied. "I'll be dead. I won't care about anything."

"You'll be with your true love."

"Jealous? I could always kill you, too. Before I go."

Klaus's fingers twitched, itching to reach out and tear away his throat and be rid of him. "No need for goading. I'll end you soon enough."

Silas lifted his arms out in invitation. "Well then, what's the hold up? The veil has dropped and I'm ready to go." Klaus said nothing. "You know, it's a shame. As I was saying, we are quite the pair. I think in another life you and I could have been friends."

This time, Klaus laughed out. "There is just one small problem there, mate. I don't have friends."

"Your entourage in New Orleans would suggest otherwise."

"You think they were there for me?" Klaus arched a brow. "Tell me, when you look at me, do you see anything that would inspire anyone to risk their lives?"

Silas cocked his head, studying him. "Fear doesn't inspire the loyalty that other emotions do, which I'm sure is how a man like you prefers to win friends. What's your point?"

"They did it for her."

"Caroline," Silas nodded. Klaus gnashed his teeth at hearing her names on his lips, but he held his temper. "Well, now she's dead."

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