Chapter 11

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"Welcome," a deep voice boomed through the din of the French Quarter, "to the dark side of New Orleans, a supernatural playground, where the living are easily lost, and the dead stick around to play."

Caroline watched a tour guide pass, a crowd of excited tourists following behind him. The morning tourists giggled in excitement and at the mystery and charm evoked by the man's words. His arms swept out, gesturing to the magnificence of the French Quarter; the jewel of New Orleans. As if on cue, the clouds parted, and the blue sky opened above them, allowing the warm afternoon sun to shine down, smells of bourbon, sugar, and spice beckoning them forward.

After their night spent in the cheap motel, Caroline, Klaus, Bonnie, Kol and Stefan continued their journey until they arrived in New Orleans. It was like no place Caroline had ever been...and she had been a lot of places recently.

She tugged at the sleeve of her denim jacket, making sure her wrists were covered. The lace of her gloves matched the lace sundress she was wearing almost perfectly. Her legs were bare, but Caroline figured the odds of something brushing her bare legs were low. She wondered who around them was supernatural and who was human. It was difficult to tell from far away, without being able to discern a pulse.

"Wow," Bonnie gaped beside her, taking in the beauty of the city. Caroline smiled, realizing that this was Bonnie's first trip away from Mystic Falls.

A horse drawn buggy passed in front of them, it's hooves clopping and clacking down the street.

"It is pretty amazing," Caroline said, echoing her admiration.

"It's not just that," Bonnie replied. "There's this energy here. It's like this place was made for supernaturals."

"Well, it was darling," Kol chimed in throwing an arm around Bonnie's shoulders as they continued forward. "At least that was our original intention."

Bonnie passed a cool look from Kol's hand on her shoulder and up to his face. "What do you mean?"

"Nik wanted a city that could belong to us," Kol explained. "A place where vampires could rule and roam free."

Kol nodded to his brother and the girls turned their attention to Klaus, who shrugged.

"I had a vision," he replied flippantly. "Come."

He strutted forward, arms swinging at his sides, boots heavy against the road.

"I remember this place being pretty vampire friendly when I passed through in the 40s," Stefan said

"You were here in the 40s?" Caroline asked.

"Just before I shipped out for the war. I was off to be an army surgeon. Lexi was with me." Stefan smiled wistfully at the mention of his deceased best friend.

Bonnie and Kol fell behind them, Kol telling her about some witch history of New Orleans. Stefan's eyes scanned the crowd, and Caroline noticed a few girls giving him a second glance as he passed, but he seemed oblivious. She turned her gaze on Klaus just ahead of them, as they continued onto the sidewalk.

She could see the way he looked up at the buildings, seeing the people out on the large, wrap around balconies, remembering what it must have been like to watch it all take shape, and perhaps regretting that for whatever reason he was unable to see it through. She quickened her pace a bit so that she fell into step with him.

"So," she ventured, "why didn't you stay here back in the day?"

Klaus squinted in the sunlight. "Plans changed," he told her. "Mikael showed up before we could establish any real power here. Rebekah and I were forced to flee." He looked over at her. "I wanted to make a kingdom. Have an army behind me to defeat Mikael. And I also heard stories about the power of the witches here..."

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