Chapter Six

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Don't own anything but Aletha. What do you think so far, anyway? Please comment what you think, and I write books according to plot if any of you want that.

"How do you know that song?" Nico looked more relaxed. "And are you fluent in Italiano?" Her answer was obviously very important to him. And she was already a bit drained, songer fight left her.

"It's a song about World War II in Italian from the 1940's. My mom was Italian, and grew up hearing her grandpa sing it. She taught me Italian, so yes, I'm fluent, and I'm sorry I didn't take you to the Med Center." Aletha sighed. "The boys would have a field day, Percy and Clarisse would blow a fuse, since I'm just wearing a... towel!"

She rushed over to her wardrobe, back to the bathroom, put some clothes on, and ran back into the room.

"Nico di Angelo, was it?" She said the name. "Like, angel of death? Cool. Suits you with being son of Hades and all." Aletha walked casually over to the fountain, humming as she gathered water, and cleaning all the blood and grime from Nico. She didn't need him leaving evidence here that she could heal.

"Yeah. How did you do that? You healed me by singing. Isn't that an Apollo thing?" He looked genuinely confused. And not like a jerk now that he wasn't in pain.

"I'm a legacy of Aphrodite and a daughter of Poseidon. I think my singing affects nature. Healing, the sun's brightness. But I cause more destruction with my voice than anything. I need you to swear you won't tell anyone I can use my voice, until I say you can. Or they could get hurt."

"I swear on the River Styx that I won't tell anyone unless you specifically tell me to." Nico echoed. The thunder rolled. It always sounded so ominous.

"You should go. To your cabin or Percy or something. That way, no one knows about this healing thing. If you're Percy's friend we'll meet again sooner or later. Ciao."

"Ciao, gamberetto." He left smirking at her.
Aletha was pissed. He called her a Shrimp. Again. But in Italian. She frowned, before picking up her tablet and walking outside to meet Clarisse.

"Aletha! There you are. Someone came to camp just now. Meet Death Breath. Son of Hades." She pushes Nico forward, a scowl written in his stoic handsome features.

"It's Nico, actually. Nico di Angelo." He grumbled.

Aletha waved with a hand over her mouth covering her smile. Death Breath. Ultimo Respiro. She would laugh about this later.

'Hi!' She wrote on her tablet. 'Nice to meet you... Death Breath.'

Fatal Flaw: Empathy (Nico di Angelo)Where stories live. Discover now