Chapter Twenty

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The lights shut for a bit on Olympus. Apollo had to use a lot of energy to turn the sun back on, but no one knew why it was like this. The Olympians gathered, a circle of the gods and goddesses muttering in confusion. Well, most of them were confused anyway. Poseidon and Aphrodite were quiet, sitting in their glorious custom thrones. Poseidon stares down at his hands, authority and knowing weaved into his expression like threads in Athena's tapestries. Aphrodite, however, shuffled around nervously, looking here and there antsily. It was obvious to Hades that Poseidon and Aphrodite knew something. He would bring it to light, but he lived in the shadows. So why bring attention to himself where it wasn't needed?

Still, he couldn't help but wonder what could possibly have happened. Hades bored into Poseidon's head, though he didn't look back until he sparked a telepathic connection in his head. 'What are you staring at me for, brother?'

'You know something. And I want to know what you know.'

'Aphrodite seems more than willing to tell,' sneers Poseidon while bringing her into the godly group chat. 'Ask her!'

Across the room, Aphrodite rolls her eyes. 'To be honest, this is more Poseidon than it is me. My granddaughter, his daughter, caused this.'

Hades hums thoughtfully. 'Interesting. How? Who?'

'Aletha Farènce. She has nature/siren-speak, a combination of Poseidon's area, and my own. Though, I'm not sure how she turned off the sun. She shouldn't be so developed in her powers. Especially since she doesn't speak to most people.'

'Even Percy doesn't know she speaks.'

'Aletha Farènce? That name seems familiar.'

Hades projects his memories if the past month. She was a Demigoddess, so Nico might've said something about her. 'Ah, Here:

'-ather, it was amazing. She healed me with her voice, quicker than a child of Apollo.'


'She's Percy's sister, her names Aletha Farènce, an-!'

'Nico, you really must stop sounding so head over heels. Also, I can read your mind, so keep your head clear. I did not need to know that she was only wearing a towel when you met.'


'And get that blush off your face. We... will talk later about your evident liking toward her.'

'Aletha is just a friend.'

'Only a towel? Your s-!'

'I knew this would be a good ship! I think it's adorable! Oh my, this is even better than Annabeth and Percy! Oh, oh-!'

"OLYMPUS!" Says Poseidon tired of the nonsense, as Hades snickers silently from behind licks of Greek Fire. "Aphrodite, please stop shipping my daughter with Hades' son! Didn't you want him to end up with Wi-!"

"No, but he likes that other guy! And besides, Niletha is an adorable ship."

"It would be if-!"

"Oh, do quit your defensive daddy senses, Poseidon. Honestly, I would name my headaches after you, your son, and Aphrodite... and maybe the rest of the Demigod population."

"...what are you talking about?" Asks a frazzled Zeus.

Aphrodite sighs, "keep up, Zeus, Poseidon's daughter, the one with siren-speak that caused the blackout, my granddaughter, should end up with Nico son of Hades. And you guys call me slow."

"I personally have Percabeth as an OT- did you say that Poseidon's daughter caused this?" Zeus thinks for a second is half way to opening his mouth.

"We aren't killing her." Says all of Olympus in sync, deflating Zeus immediately.

Suddenly, Apollo falls to the floor. "The oracle!"

"Of course, it's the oracle."

"The fall of Olympus!" The first words to leave Apollo's mouth.

~~~|meanwhile at CHB|~~~

"The fall of Olympus,
A newer foe,
To save must come,
L'amour Nouveau!
The godly blood,
Of the sea-death-land,
To remain under Olympus' command!"

(That was bad, if you an come up with a better one, please do!)

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