Chapter 25: Fata Morgana

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First thing in the morning, Namjoon, Jin, Clarisse, Annabeth, and Percy all met Nico by their ship. A completely normal, 1950's style sailing ship that an old man would take to fishing on an ice lake in Alaska. "Where are we going, Nico? This thing isn't making it past Florida." Percy coaxes nervously.

"No, it has to be this one. We're going to Italy." Percy and the others continue to eye the small boat (the size of a life boat, honestly). Nico sighs in annoyance. "Please."

"Sounds stupider than something the Little Half-Fish would say, but I trust Death Breath." Clarisse snaps, heading to climb onto the boat. She helps Nico onto the boat in a short lived act of camaraderie.

"Umm... thanks?" Asks Nico, unsure of whether that was supposed to be an insult to him or to Percy.

"Yeah, sure." She huffs.

"I know it doesn't seem logical, Annabeth," Namjoon says, climbing on. "But we both know demigods don't operate on logic. Stupid dumb luck is what we run on and so far, we're still alive."

"Especially in the name of Love," mutters Jin, hoisting himself onto the boat along with Namjoon. "I'm only on here because you're here, and we're going to Italy. That's so romantic. Aphrodite guide us. Hermès help us. Poseidon kEEp uS alIve. Oh, umm... Athena, please bring Joonie to his senses, and Hades... no offense, but not in the mood to meet you this quest." Jin prays to himself. Namjoon hugs him from behind.

"Thanks, baby."

"YeAh, Yeah..." Jin squeaks nervously.

Annabeth and Percy climb on last after he whispers something worriedly in her ear. She relents and they're both on, Annabeth only a little more unsure of this quest than Percy.

"Alright, Nico where are we headed."

"Southeast towards Italy, ultimate goal being the Strait of Messin-!"

"The Strait of Messina is famous for Fata Morgana, though," Namjoon points out. "You could get lost if you can't figure-!"

"I know. But I need to find... the Truth."

Manche per te ce una Luce,
Que, a dun altra vita te contuce...

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