Chapter Fifteen

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That very same night, I excused myself from the festivities of dinner. It'd been announced that I was related to the Aphrodite. All the boys who had a crush on me earlier refused to make eye contact with me, which Percy found hilarious. He had a hard time not laughing. So much so, that he filled a bowl with water and stuck his head in.
I smacked him back of the head, rolling my eyes. I could hear him giggling under the water.

I went to take a quick nap before my training session with Nico. There were no dreams this time, but I guess it's because I wasn't really asleep. Just resting, really.

Percy came inside shouting. "Hey, Aletha! It's 8:45! You need to go!"

I resisted the urge to complain, got up off the bed, and change quickly into my training clothes. The material is the color of Invincible Black Pearl, and according to Nana, that is exactly what it is made of. No, it's not actually invincible. But, it is definitely harm-retardant. Nana also said that Jin would train me with the empathy power.

Jin was going to train me in the mornings, which was good for me and Nico.

Nico... My mind flits back to what Aphrodite said earlier about "shipping" us, and I can't help but to think she's planning something. But, what could she really plan? I know she wouldn't risk ruining my relationship with Nico? Would she? Nah. Maybe. I mean, if her ship comes true?

I shake the thoughts from my head as I leave the building. Annabeth is currently visiting, and I can't help but smirk a bit when Percy rushes me out. I hear the lock click. Oh, boy.

I sneak up on Nico, who is in black pants and a tank top, and he senses it. He reacts quickly, throwing up a shield of darkness. I fall onto it, as I complain lightly. "Aw, come on! Let the gamberetto win for once! Please, oh powerful re fantasmi?"

Nico blew his bangs out of his eyes so I could see how serious he was when he spoke. "That's not exactly the point. Monsters wouldn't let you win for once, and therefore your training will not have you 'winning for once,' not until after you can do it to me. Anyway, let's get started. No dummies today. You could call this a pop quiz, Gamberetto."

"Re Fantasmi, my foot." I snap at him irritated. "Let's do this."

So the two of us fought. This time I utilized my power using my voice and daggers. My way, as Nico put it, was similar to Nico's own. Like a snake. This is why it was difficult for me to defeat Nico: I knew what he was going to do, but he also knew what I was going to do. I stuck my hand of water, surrounding Nico, but I could feel his darkness engulfing me from my feet.

"Oof!" I grunted out. "I really like your shadows!" They only solidified when willed to, sort of how Ice worked, but depending on how much light there was, the darkness could phase through even a person.

"Thanks," he called out. "I'm liking the minimalist bubble idea. Good tactic."

We fought for an entire two hours, when I finally slipped up. Big time.

I tripped over a tendril of my own water. Like, who DOES THAT? Not Percy. Not Nico.

Nico gained upon me quickly, and as a last effort, my tendril wrapped around his ankle. He tripped, falling right onto me.

His hand shot out at lightning speed (weird, since lightning isn't really his thing), but only a second too late. He hovered over me, an arm of darkness weakly stopping him from hurting me when he landed on top of me. Face to face. Mouth to mouth.

Nico and I were attached for at least a few seconds blinking at each other, utterly bewildered. He got up off me as quickly as e could, and helped me up. "We have another hour of practice. And as much as I could see, you're doing well, so we can do what you want for now. Just be careful of slipping on your own weapons, Gamberetto?"

"Aye aye, Re Fantasmi." I said, voice wavering a bit. My face was completely flushed from a moment ago, and since Nico was so pale, the moonlight on his face made it unnecessarily obvious that he was, too. "And we don't have to talk about it unless you want to. As long as we don't tell Percy."

"Ah, yeah. I mean... there's not really much to it, is there, Aletha?" Nico turned to look at me, his bangs sticking to his head with sweat. "You tripped. I tripped. I wasn't fast enough to stop... our... mouths from... touching... without hurting you."

"Y-Yeah! Exactly. Doesn't matter that that was my first kiss..."

"Same here. You don't have to count it as that if you want."

"Honestly? I'm just glad that my first kiss was taken by someone who wasn't trying to take advantage of me or my looks. So, I will count it. I just won't tell Percy." I put my hand on his bare shoulder. (He's wearing a tank top)

Instantly, the feeling of fluster and embarrassment flooded me again. Flooded me? Get it? Yeah. Anyway, it was more intense because I think it's how Nico was feeling. "Nico?" The feelings grow. "I think my other powers have kicked in."

"Oh?" He says, curiosity laced in his voice, and a twine of curiosity runs through him, and therefore, me. "What powers?"

"Aphrodite blessed me with powers of empathy. I can feel whatever you are feeling right now. And I know it's not mine because... I don't know, I think your emotions overall have a deeper, grayer undertone or lining? Yeah..."

We spend an hour talking, and I'm glad that we were able to talk it out. We're pretty good friends, too. If Clarisse is like a sister, Annabeth a good friend, then Nico is definitely my best friend. I don't talk to anyone with my voice but Nico and the Gods. He must mean something to me, right?

Nico walked off to his cabin when I get to mine. And... it's still locked. I put my ear to the door, and am glad to know that Percy forgot to unlock the door before sleeping. And forgot to turn off the speaker. I knew he was sleeping, Annabeth probably curled in his arms. I could've sworn that I felt a twang of jealousy run through me.

I couldn't wake him, that's for sure. So I walked off to the next most welcoming place: The Aphrodite Cabin. I go to knock, but I know that someone will get mad about that. And the knob is also locked. I sigh again before thinking... 'Nico is probably awake now...'

I sprint to the corner where Nico's cabin is. The Hades Cabin. It is made of a shiny, obtuse obsidian rock. The cuts are so perfect they look like they'd been carved into a house. The Greek Fire's eerie glow looked elegant against the backdrop. I pant, out of breath, as I knock on Nico's door.

A shirtless Nico opens the door, and I freeze. "Nico, I..." He has abs. "You have abs?"


"I-oh, Sorry. That was weird... um, so, you know how Percy and Annabeth are? They locked my cabin door, and the Aphrodite kids are scary when I interrupt their not needed beauty sleep."

Nico cackles a bit. "You're scared of the Aphrodite kids? But not me?"

"Well, You're just a dork with nothing better to do than talk to dead people. And I'm nothing but an clumsy, non-Speaking idiot whose brother and friend that are dating have locked out. Besides, I don't want to know what those two have been up to." I shudder.

Nico shudders along with me. "Alright. You can sleep on Hazel's bed. She's my half sister, but she's Roman. Not here often."


Aletha, I told you, I ship you guys. And with those abs? Oof. Not to mention your abs? OOF!

I shut the thoughts out as I curl into the blanket. I sigh. A tad bit more blue, and I could live here!

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