Chapter Seventeen

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I spent the day with Percy, Annabeth, and their friends. Don't get me wrong, they're great and all, but I'd like my own group of friends. So while Percy and his friends were messing around, I went to go find Jin.

I knocked politely at the door, swinging back and forth on my feet. When Jin opened up, I didn't even have to tell him anything. I touched his knuckle, and he somewhat understood the vague feeling of boredom. Unsurprisingly.

While, Percy was close with Clarisse, (kind of) I was definitely better friends with her. So I dragged a terrified Jin to the Ares Cabin, pulling Clarisse out. Apparently, I was the only person who got away with these kinds of things and I intend to use it to my advantage.

The next place I dropped by was actually at Jin's insistence. "Aletha, please! You haven't met Namjoon, yet. I think you'll like him very much." Jin was low key blushing, but it didn't deter from his looks in the slightest. "Just a quick stop at the Athena Cabin?"

I nod my head, curious about this 'Namjoon.'

We stop by the cabin and once Jin knocks, a girl opens the door, looks him up and down, before yelling into the doorframe. "Dimples! Your aesthetic boyfriend is here. Get out of the cabin, get some sunlight."

A tall man, not too much taller than Jin himself, walks out, tripping over what I think is... air, and looking back at his half sister before muttering "at least I get sunlight, Bookworm."

She shrugs before slamming the door.

"Hi," says the tall man. I literally have to crane my neck to see him, since I'm 5 feet tall exactly. I'm way short for my age, I know. I tap Jin's elbow, and pull him down a bit. "I'm Namjoon, and you're Aletha, daughter of Poseidon, the talk of the camp. And you are Clarisse, daughter of Ares. Hanging out with a child of Poseidon, unusual."

"And you," says Jin before pecking him. "Are spouting facts. Honestly, Joonie, work with me, here I'm trying to convince them you're not a weeb."

"I am a weeb. I watch anime, I read, I spout random facts. But," Namjoon leans in towards Jin, pretty much ignoring our existence, "I'm your weeb."

"That's why you're not a weeb. You're mine."

Clarisse coughs. "I didn't think I'd see a more sappy couple than Annabeth and Percy. But, it seems that I have... where to next, Aletha?"

We take a long trek towards Nico's Cabin. "Death Breath?"

I nod, again. I would talk this time, seeing as Jin and Clarisse are both exceptions to people not allowed to hear me talk, but Namjoon hasn't heard me before. I can't risk it.

Nico might be a friend if Percy's, but honestly, Nico can be kind of antisocial to everyone despite what they've all been through together. He doesn't like being judged. For some reason, he knows that I won't do that or trusts me enough not to. And so, I have concluded using this evidence that Nico is my... friend. Yeah, he's my best friend.

I don't even knock, because Nico and I are so at home with each other, now. I bang the door open, and locate Nico in a corner of the room, sitting on a stool and breathing shallowly. His arm is wounded, and there is a hash in his forehead.

I gasp, and Clarisse looks at me questioningly. "Should we-?"

"I'll heal him here. I don't think he wants to explain." I go closer, and the wounds are worse than I thought they would be. I sigh deeply. I'm scared that my fear will do something to him if I try this. But, I also know that I need to heal him myself so I can give him a good earful.
"Tu sei il mio soldatino,
La reggione per cui vivo,
Non ti scordar di mei,
Io vegiero sur di te~..."

The gashes close up and Nico's eyes open shocked. "Aletha." I lift his hair out of his face to see the gash in his forehead completely healed. I hum a bit so I can bend some water from anywhere nearby, and manage to get all his blood out. "I-!"

"Shut up." I say shakily. "Just tell me, why do you get into so many battles? Hades doesn't send you on them. I know that. What are you trying to prove? You've fought in two wars, alongside Percy. Haven't you had enough bloodshe-!"

I had come closer to him when I heard a loud gasp. "Jin! They're all wrong, she can talk!"

I gasp and whip my head around to see Namjoon, with the most shook expression in his face. "Namjoon... okay. Okay. Jin, I'm not mad, so don't go blaming yourself like you usually do. Namjoon, I'll explain everything later, just wait. I need to give this one a lecture first." I turn towards Nico again with my lips pursed.

"Aletha, I-."

"Do you know how much worry you caused me the first time we met? I was healing a random guy that I didn't know who had shown up mid-shower, wearing a towel because why? I still don't know, but I was worried. Now you actually mean something to me, I know who you are, you're such a precious person, and you continue do this? How many times has Will Solace fixed this since we met, huh?"

He looks down, probably ashamed of his answer. "17 times." Nico says it like the angsty teenager he is.

"And why?"

"I can't tell you."

"I've told you everything, you've heard me talk you're my best friend, so fucking tell me, Nico!"

I glare into his eyes, and I can't help myself when a couple of years slip through my eyes. Nico's eyes widen, and he stands up grabbing my face and wiping my tears with his thumbs.

"I don't want to be your best friend, Aletha. Ever since the first time we met, the fights have never been to prove anything to myself. They've been to prove to you that... that I can protect you."

I harrumph in frustration. "Nearly getting killed fighting monsters isn't proving anything to me. Besides, I know you can protect me, but you also know that I can protect myself. And besides that, if you don't want to be my Best Frie-!" The tears are running again, and I'd turned around about have way through my monologue,m when Nico grabs my wrist and spins me, kissing me on the lips.

It's not accidental like the first time we kissed, but that doesn't get rid of the mingling of our flustered feelings. His lips are on mine for a few seconds before he pulls away, eyes downcast. "I'm sorry. But, I think I've got a crush on you." And this time, I lean in and we kiss for a few seconds before I pull away.

"Would now be a bad time to tell you that Nana ships us?"

"Aphrodite ships us? No wonder this turned out like the way it did." He rolls his eyes and I push him away by his chest, crossing my arms.

"Would you have it any other way, Nico?"

He pretends to think about it before smirking. "Not a chance, Gamberetto."

I drag him out. "I've got to explain to Namjoon why the mute sister of Percy Jackson has healing powers that are activated by her singing."

"Oof. Can't relate. Sorry, bae." He says, shrugging. (감사합니다, I'm sorry, Bae~)

"Bae?" Jin says suspiciously. "That's not something friends call each other. Aletha? Nico?"

I look to Nico and we shrug. "Nana's okay with it."

Jin looks like he's about to strangle Nico, but Namjoon steps in: "So... explanation please?"

"Right... so, it starts like this..."

And now, four demigods know my secret, though it can hardly be called that anymore.

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