Chapter Ten

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Sun Mi POV

Two days, three hours, five minutes and twenty nine seconds.

That's how long I've been trying to avoid Taehyung. After I realised that I didn't deserve him, I've been trying to find ways to break all ties with him. I mean, I didn't actually want to do this. I was in love with him, but I knew he deserved much more better. Not a broken girl like me.

Jungkook, who had mysteriously appeared back at school, ruling out his King of the School 'title', alongside Jessica, his main bitch. To be frank, I wasn't very fond of other people thinking that he and I should be together, especially those freshmen and sophomores who didn't know us long.

Classes were boring, as usual. Only, the teachers are giving us free periods and let us do what we want as long as we don't disrupt other classes. I was currently avoiding Taehyung by sitting at the bottom right corner of the class, with my headphones in and drumming my fingers on the desk to the rhythm.


I opened my closed eyes and turned towards the person that just plopped down to the seat next to me.

"Um.. Hey?"

I awkwardly gave him a smile, but his emotionless face still stayed and his eyes staring into my soul. I wanted to scream to him the reason, but for just some reason, I just couldn't bring myself to do it.

"Don't hey me. Why are you ignoring me?"

Okay. Not the question I wanted to hear, but ...

"Huh? Me? Ignoring my boyfriend? No way!"

My reply quivered with the slight tone of nervousness as he raised his deyebrow and looked at me. I gave him a small smile and tried to make his face and aura lighten up.

"Of course. I don't suppose your phone is dead and you don't answer any of my calls or texts?"


"Yeah. I suppose not."

His face softened a little as he softly placed his right hand on my left cheek. He made me look into his eyes, facing him completely.

"You know you can tell me everything, right? I'll be here. Always."

I just fake a smile and gave him a soft peck on the lips. I still wasn't ready to tell him yet. And if I ever was, I don't think telling him at school would be a good idea.

"Now, come on. I wanna take you somewhere."

Before I could ask where we were going, he had pulled me out of my seat and led me out of the noisy classroom. As we neared the entrance of the school, I noticed something slick and black shining outside the school doors.

"Come on."

He smiled and pushed open the doors, letting the bright light of the sun shine in. I shielded my eyes for a second before being pulled once more and outside. Waiting at the steps of the school was a black Lamborghini. And not just any Lamborghini, it was a limited edition. How he heck did Taehyung get this?

"You like? My parents got it for me as a make-up present for not always being with me."

I smiled and kissed him on the cheek, "If you like it, then I like it too."

"Great! Now hop in!"

I laughed and got to the passenger seat and got in.


Taehyung POV

Something was up with Sun Mi. I just knew it. But somehow, I wasn't able to put my finger on what was bothering her. Did I somehow do something wrong?

I shook my head slightly and turned to glance at her sleeping form before turning my head towards the road, focusing on the traffic in front of me. This wasn't our first time playing truancy, so the teachers were a little used to our absence.

As I drove slowly and carefully towards our destination, I couldn't help but think of how wide her smile would be when we reached. It was a place that held so many sweet memories. Some, I hope, have stayed with her since day one.

"Sun Mi. Come on, it's time to get up."

I shook her lightly and she woke up, rubbing her eyes while squinting at the sight in front of her. I had taken her to an old coffee shop where our friendship started to blossom. I smiled as I saw her eyes go wide. This was the place where we had first interacted together and where my feelings start to blossom for her.

But all my happiness turned into a sad world as she frowns and shook her head, muttering to herself. I was about to reach for her when she turned to her side and stared at me.

"Taehyung, there's something I need to tell you."


Sun Mi POV

Its over. It's done.

And he's gone.


How I wish I hadn't did that.

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