Chapter Seventeen

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As the days pass and turned to years, Kim TaeTae, my only friend since I was a child, left. Taehyung left two days later after our sandbox incident, which was a real pain for me as I was starting to like him.

We met again as six year olds the next day to play again. But little did I know, that was the last time we would be seeing each other. Taehyung bid me goodbye with a kiss on the cheek, which got me to become shy again like the first time we bid each other goodbye.

When he left, mom didn't even tell me what really happened. Only when I was a little older did I went for some investigating and found out his parents got a divorce, and his mom brought him to the states. When I confronted mom, she broke down and told me she lied to me because she didn't want me to worry about him.

As I was still young back then, I could only nod and understand what my mom had to go through, worrying that I might find out hat she lied and might get angry.

As the years passed, I started to forget about Kim Taehyung, my only friend, until I started to go to school and made new ones. Gradually, the only memory I have of Taehyung was the time when we hugged. I forgot his face, his name.

But when I started high school as a freshman, a immigrant from the states named Kim Taehyung started the same time as I did. We bumped into each other in school and didn't take notice of each other. Well, not until the middle of the year, at least.

He joined the Bangtan Boys as the last member they were recruiting. At that time, the leader, Oh Sehun or known as my older brother, wanted only twenty members. So when he announced that Taehyung was the last member, every boy in the school went into desperate mode and tried to get some other members to betray oppa so they could be members. But none of them succeeded.

As expected of a popular older brother, I became popular too and we often had lots of the guys from the group over at our house. I had lots of fake friends, never really made real ones since they were all fake and only wanted to get oppa's attention.

Taehyung, who I had gotten curious with, since he had this kind of aura around him that made me want to befriend him. He started out in the group as the odd one out, with no friends and was always lonely. But then, he started to hang out with Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jeongguk, Jimin and Seokjin.

He started to become a little wild after that. I gave up tries on befriending him as I knew it wasn't possible, especially since he and I live in two different worlds. I got close to Jeongguk, who I had a lot of commons with and was close also close to my brother.

We started to hang out often and one day, he introduced me to Taehyung and the others. When Taehyung and I first shook hands, there was this tingly feeling on the back of my hand that made me feel butterflies in my stomach. We got awkward around each other and most of the guys teased about us getting together.

Somehow, I had grown feelings for both Taehyung and Jeongguk, which was a real pain in the neck for me. When we've finally gotten used to each other's company and such, Taehyung confessed first. I contemplated on his proposal since oppa had told me once that Taehyung has a really bad background and that I shouldn't go near him or even speak to him. And when Jeongguk confessed, I had no choice but to accept. It was either him or Taehyung. And since I was only fifteen that time, I listened to what my brother told me and stayed away from Taehyung.

He got really upset and tried to approach me. But every time he came near, I distance myself away from him. He sent me texts and called me most of the time, but I ignored them all. Soon after awhile, he stopped. No more calls, no more texts, nothing. Nada. So I felt relieved and went my way.

But during my time with Jeongguk, Taehyung and I started interacting again. We started with accidental bumps, which then continued to small talk and we began again from then again. We somehow became really good friends and mostly told each other everything. And when Jeongguk cheated on me, he brought me home and offered a listening ear, which I took it up and called him after breaking down at home.

After that episode, I broke up with Jeongguk and started to live my life as Oh Sun Mi, an ordinary high school girl and not Oh Sun Mi, Oh Sehun's younger sister. Taehyung and I had remained friends until we started sophomore year, where my brother, cut all ties between the two of us once he found out.

We really stopped communicating then. No more late-night calls, no more goodnight texts and no more talking before, during and after school. Oppa was strict in us meeting together. He kept on insisting that Taehyung was a bad influence for me. And I asked him, why would he recruit Taehyung as a Bangtan Boy if he knew Taehyung was a bad influence for me? He ignored me and went his way, finishing school and ending his days as a Bangtan Boy.

When he graduated, I was a junior. He left the legacy of Bangtan Boys to Taehyung, which got me wondering why when he said Taehyung was a bad influence. But before I could ask, he received his acceptance letter from SM Entertainment and left to the city before you could say Philadelphia. Days passed and soon the remaining seven members of Bangtan Boys and I grew distant.

We weren't close anymore and most of the time, it was only Namjoon who spoke to me, since we were lab partners in Biology. I would ask about his day, our homework, and other topics to brush off the topic of Taehyung. He would bring it up often, and I will shut it back down often. I didn't want to talk about it, since oppa said not to.

And pretty soon, we became seniors of Nami High and the start of the baby project.

[A/N: okay, so this chapter is like extra long cause it tells the lives of Sun Mi, Jeongguk and Taehyung after the six year old incident in the park. Hope you all like it and thank you all for supporting me <3

Also, thank you all so much for the 10,000+ reads, 300+ votes and 100+ comments. I love each and every one of you for supporting me. Thank you so much and stay beautiful (or handsome) 😉]

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