Chapter Thirteen

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"Sir, will you please calm do-"

"Don't ask me to fucking calm down. My girlfriend is in surgery right now and you're asking me to calm down?!"

"Sir, please. We need you t-"

"Okay. Do you even know who the fuck we are? His girlfriend is in surgery now, without none of us knowing what happened and how it happened and YOU WANT US TO FUCKING CALM DOWN?! DO YOU KNOW WHO THE FUCK WE ARE?!"

I stared at Jimin, knowing he was one to be patient and calm, but his sudden outburst nearly shocked us to death. Hoseok hyung and Suga hyung were trying to hold Jimin down while Namjoon hyung was sitting with Jin hyung, waiting for the police's reply.

"Okay. Sit down. We'll tell you."

I remained standing. I didn't care if we could get imprisoned for disrespecting the police. Sun Mi was hurt.

"It wasn't accident. We think she was standing in the middle of the road on purpose as the driver of the lorry told us that she didn't want to move even though he horned the horn a few times. We believe she was trying to kill herself, not wanting to live anymore."

No. No. No, no, no. It's all my fault. I left her there. I made her got into that accident. I got her in danger. No. Gah, fuck!

"So you're saying that she intentionally stood there, waiting for the lorry to hit her?" Jin hyung asked.


"But why didn't the driver of the lorry brake?" Namjoon hyung questioned. Yeah, why didn't the driver brake if he knew that Sun Mi wasn't going to get out of the way.

"It was raining and the roads were slippery. We found that the driver didn't use his brakes as they were broken and he was on the way to get them fixed."

I punched the wall beside me and groaned. It was all my fault. I shouldn't have gotten angry. I shouldn't have left her there. If I hadn't left, she would still be okay. But she would be gone, my conscience spoke. Was my decision wise?



"Ahjussi (Uncle)!"

"Taehyung. Who are your friends?"

"Ahjussi, meet Sun Mi and my friends: Namjoon, Seokjin, Yoongi, Jimin and Hoseok."

"Annyeonghaseyo ahjussi."

"Annyeonghaseyo. Very well mannered."

The boys nodded and I walked towards imo as ahjussi and the boys chatted. Her face filled with tears, imo looked as if she aged ten years. I took out my phone and called Sehun hyung about the incident and urged him to come as soon as he could.



"Imo, what's her current condition?" I asked as I sat down on the chair beside her.

"She's been in there for two hours. From what we got from the nurses are her condition is critical, she might not even make it."

Imo started to cry and I comforted her. It was heart-breaking to see the strong imo look so vulnerable. Ahjussi, who sensed his wife's sadness, excused himself and sat on her other side. I excused myself from the two and sat on the opposite side of them on the floor. The boys joined me as we waited for Sun Mi to come out from operation.


It's been four hours after we arrived, which means Sun Mi has been in there for six hours. Sehun hyung came with Luhan hyung and Baekhyun hyung about half an hour ago after their dance practice ended. He was devastated and broke down, which resulted in both his companions trying to console him and calm him.


Everyone's heads snapped towards the ding of the OR's doors as they slid open, revealing four tired doctors and two nurses. Their faces brought on sad feelings and sad expressions. Please. Please don't tell us she didn't make it.

"Doctor, how is she?"

Imo, who was being supported by ahjussi, asked the head doctor. His face held sympathy and that did it. It made imo cry and think that her daughter is really dead. But the doctor panicked and tried to calm imo down, telling her Sun Mi isn't dead.

"It is a miracle Miss Oh did not pass away. When the hospital received her, she was in critical condition and was on the verge of death's bed. When the operation was in process, her heart beat suddenly went dead, which meant she died. We tried to revive her with the highest electric shock that we could administer but she didn't come back."
Imo's eyes went wide and her lips quivered. But the doctor was fast and quickly continued about Sun Mi's condition.

"We were about to give up when a faint heart beat came back. It was faint, but we did as much as we could and she's okay. The good news is that the operation was a success, but the bad news is that she's in a comatose state. She's alive, but barely. We will be transferring her to the ICU and I recommend that you all visit her two by two."

The doctor looked around his surrounding and mentally counted how many of us they were. I went limp. Comatose state? Does this mean she wouldn't wake up?

"To answer your question, dear boy. If a miracle brought her from dead to alive, I am sure a miracle would wake her up. Believe in silver linings."

I nodded and thanked the doctor while mentally scolding myself for saying that out loud. Everyone thanked the doctor and rushed towards the ICU to wait for the transfer of Sun Mi. We all agreed that imo and ahjussi would go in first and I will go in last. The others would go in pairs of two into the room and see, talk to an unconscious Sun Mi.

When it was my turn, imo and ahjussi gave me a small smile and urged me to go in. I swallowed the lump of nervousness and opened the door, stepping into Sun Mi's room. All around her, there were machines working and hooked to almost every part of her arms. Her once beautiful face has cuts and bruises, along with her neck, hands and legs.

Part of me wanted to scream at the sight of her. I was disgusted with myself for being the person who made her like this. If it wasn't for me, she would be okay, she would fly to the States and come back, she would still be here, with me, smiling and laughing at my jokes.

I walked over to her and sat on the chair that was prepared by her bedside. I held her cold hand as tears flowed out my eyes. Guilt flashed throughout my entire body as I stared at her and caressed her hand. This is all my fault. It's all my fault.

"Sun Mi-ah. I'm sorry. So so sorry. If only I had been more understanding, if only I had been okay to let you go, you wouldn't be like this. I'm sorry. This is all my fault. I-I-I love you. I realized that when I got into the car and drove away. No one would make me so happy. Every time I'm with you or near you, I feel like the happiest man to walk on earth. I don't ever want to let you go."

I stared at her lifeless face and wiped my tears away, "I hope you can hear me. I hope you can hear me say I love you. I love you, Sun Mi. Please, wake up."

[A/N: what do you guys think about the book jacket I made on the side? c:]

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