Chapter Fourteen

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I was happy.

In the place where I least thought I would be, I was at the playground that Taehyung and I first met when we were little kids. I finally remembered. Our first meeting wasn't at school, it was at a playground and we had our first fight there.

The scene in front of me was a flashback, of when we first met. Taehyung, in his natural black hair, looked so cute when he was a little boy. It was like I could reach out and hold him..

Wait. That's not Taehyung ...

"Taekwon-ah! Ppali oseowa! It's time to go home."

A young-looking lady, with brown hair and was dressed like a housewife, stood beside a ten year older looking Taehyung, who was carrying a baby girl. No. No way. Could this really be the future? And who the hell was that lady?

"Kaja, Su Jin. It's time to go home."

Su Jin? Who's Su Jin? And why is Taehyung holding onto her like she's everything to him? Wae?

As my surroundings start to morph and change, my clothes were also morphed and changed. The scene became a graveyard, but one certain grave made its presence with Taehyung sitting next to it, drowning himself with a bottle of soju.

I looked down and got shocked at my all-black attire and decided to walk towards Taehyung. As I reached the grave, I gasped and lost confidence in walking towards him and thoughts trying to comfort him. Because.. Because..

Because the grave in front of me is my own grave..

Oh Sun Mi
July 18th 1996 - February 14 2014
A loving daughter, friend and soon-to-be fiancé
We will miss you and hope you are happy in your after life

"Sun Mi-ah.."

I turned towards Taehyung. He could see me? Could he really see me?

But all thoughts of him being able to see me vanished as I saw he was talking to the photo of me on my grave. His face contorted in pain as he clutched something to his chest. Something so dear that it looks like he was afraid to let go.

"I love you. I was so late. I'm sorry I ever had thoughts about breaking up with you. I know you'll hate me even more when I tell you that I've been married for five years now and have a two-year old son and seven-month old daughter. I know you hate me for breaking up with you. And I know you hate me for not telling you I love you. Forgive me, Sun Mi. Remember that I'll always love you."

I stared at him as he placed a necklace in front of the grave and stood up, stumbling as he did. I watched as he stumbled his way out of the cemetery, making his way to a oncoming bus and got on.

I walked over to my grave and picked the necklace up, surprising myself that I could. A ring rolled down the string of metal and landed itself in the middle. Words engraved on the inside made me wonder why Taehyung left it here.

Always? Always.

That's so cheesy, but it was so him. I looked up and saw the bus was still at its original position, obviously stuck in a traffic jam. I literally floated towards it and looked for Taehyung. He was asleep, but he looked like he was in pain.

Was I possibly making him feel this way? Because I died?

And as I was still in my thoughts, I didn't realise that the jam was no more and the bus had started moving. Quick. I turned around when I saw a blinding light on my side and felt myself unable to move. I stared at the light that blinded my eyes and as it came closer, I closed them, hoping that this nightmare would end soon.

[A/N: wow wow wow. I cannot believe it. I literally just started this book about two or three months ago, maybe four, and it has like 8000+ reads! Thank you guys oh so much <3

If you have any questions about this story, please don't hesitate to ask me. And if you experience any difficulties understanding the story, do PM me and ask me.

I love you guys so much. Thank you <3]

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