Chapter 3

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With a big sigh he closed his eyes, letting sleep take control.
Jisung woke up in the middle of the night. He had a nightmare and didn't dare to fall asleep again. Even though his eyes were open, he couldn't see anything. He had night terrors ever since the virus broke out.

"Why the fuck were you screaming?" Minho was stood in the door opening, only wearing a pair of sweatpants. Jisung didn't know he screamed and felt bad for waking Minho up.

"Oh sorry, bad dream" he said softly. Minho just nodded and locked the door again, leaving the boy alone in the dark. He couldn't sleep that night, his thoughts kept drifting off to his dream.

He was standing in the middle of the forest. He didn't have any weapons on him, making him absolutely defenseless. He felt a sting, right through his chest. His breathing got heavier as he slowly collapsed. He touched the painful spot, only to see his hands covered in blood. Everything slowly turned darker, all the noise around him faded.

No, he had to make sure that would never happen. He knew he had to kill Minho and Hyunjin to escape, but he didn't know how yet. Thinking of many plans, he forced himself to stay awake.

The door opened after a few hours, shining a bright light on Jisung. He had dark circles under his eyes and he felt tired. To Jisung's suprise, Hyunjin walked down the stairs.

"How badly I wish I could just slice your throat" Hyunjin groaned while stroking a knife against his neck. Jisung's breathing quickly became heavier, knowing he could die any moment.

"Jinnie, quit playing around already" Minho yelled from the stairs. Hyunjin rolled his eyes and took Jisung out of the basement. He was blinded by the sudden bright light for a moment.

"Why do you look so tired?" Minho asked sternly. Jisung just shrugged his shoulders, not in the mood to answer. Minho didn't like being ignored, he got a hold of Jisung's chin and made him look up.

"Baby boy I asked you something and then I expect you to answer me, understood?" Jisung looked shocked and nodded, intimidated by the elder.

"I look tired because I didn't sleep after you came in" he looked at his feet, afraid of making eye contact. Minho didn't give him an answer. He suddenly got a hold of his wrists and tied them together.

"I can't let you try to stab me again baby boy" he said after hearing Jisung squeel. He made sure they weren't too tight, he still wanted to keep the boy safe until he'd kill him.

"Come, we're going hunting" Minho pulled the end of the rope, making Jisung walk along. He knew that even if he tried to escape, he wouldn't live long without his hands being free. He hated the fact he knew he was going to get killed, but not when it would happen.

A group of kids walked by, talking loudly. They were around eleven and seemed pretty weak, perfect prey. Minho threw Jisung in front of the group, making him distract them from a back attack.

"Can you guys help me?" He asked while showing his tied up wrists. Even though they were young, they weren't foolish. The girl in the front smirked while getting an arrow, preparing to shoot Jisung.

Minho was too busy with something else that he didn't notice the girl aiming for Jisung. He almost stabbed a boy in the back when he saw what was happening in the corner of his eye. He changed his plans and slowly walked up to the girl.

He threw her on the ground. She was defenseless, her bow and arrow couldn't save her in this situation. The other children just ran away, leaving her to die.

"Don't touch what belongs to me" he hissed while stabbing her chest multiple times. Her chest was bleeding out while she breathed her final air. Minho felt a wave of power go through him, confirming she was dead.

"Baby boy, you should be more careful" he said whilst grabbing his wrists. Jisung just nodded, feeling ashamed he was almost killed by an eleven-year-old. Hyunjin apparently also killed someone, his face had blood spatters all over it.

"Let's go get some food shall we?" Minho suggested. Hyunjin agreed to it and walked along. Minho was holding Jisung close to him, he didn't want anything to happen to the boy. Even though he wouldn't kill him yet, didn't mean someone else was allowed to.

"Baby boy, do you like ice cream?" Minho held a big tub of chocolate ice cream. Jisung looked at it with big eyes and nodded while smiling, he hadn't had it in a very long time. Minho grinned at his reaction and took the tub with him.

He gathered more food and Hyunjin got drinks. Jisung was inspecting everything while they put it in the bag. A lot of the bottles contained alcohol, and a lot of sugar. Nothing was healthy, nothing would give them a lot of energy.

Jisung grabbed some noodles and the freshest vegetables he could find. He was struggling to hold them because his hands were still tied together. He walked up to the boys, dropping everything right in front of them. He sighed deeply.

He felt a kick against his ribs while bending down, causing him to fall. He looked up to see Hyunjin with a smirk, enjoying how helpless he was. Minho didn't pay a lot of attention to it, he was busy packing food.

"I'm going to look over there hyung" Hyunjin said while quietly pulling Jisung with him. He put his hand on his mouth, making sure he wouldn't scream. Minho once again didn't consider giving the boy any attention, he was busy reading food labels.

"He won't protect you" Hyunjin whispered while kicking Jisung multiple times. He pulled a knife out of his pocket. He dragged them across Jisung's arms, making him bleed heavily. Hyunjin left and went home, leaving the boy alone with Minho.

Minho was looking for Jisung. He looked around, only to be faced with him on the floor. His arms were full of bleeding cuts and his arms were wrapped around his ribs, meaning they were harmed.

"Who hurt you baby boy?"

I hope you're still enjoying this :))
I enjoy writing it quite a bit actually

Minho is still planning on killing Ji heh

Untill we meet again~

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