chapter 6 ➳ new school, new you.

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[a/n] can you guys please give me at least 3 - 4+ comments for a new chapter? ☺️


I felt the light breeze as I land perfectly in front of an old oak tree. I look around seeing no one had seen me.

I walk off looking at the school.

Scott was suppose to show me around but he was a complicated person to work with.

I walk up the steps receiving stares and glares. I chuckle.

I look around the halls.

Oh lord Kayla you should've just waited for Scott.

"You seem lost." I heard a small voice from behind me.

I turn quickly.

It was that red head from the other night.

"Uhm you're one of Scotts friends." I point at her.

"I'm Lydia." She smiles.

"Mikayla, but you can call me Kayla." I smile in return.

"I love your outfit." She says grinning at me.

"Thanks, me and Scott had some issues with it this morning." I giggle.

She understands.

"Well I'm your school guide for today, I know who's breaking up and who's hooking up. And everyone seems to want you." She eyeballs a few people.

She intertwines our arms making me walk down the hall with her.

She nears me toward my locker.

"Your schedule should be in here." She explains opening it.

"Great" I smile.

"Just ask if you need anything else." She grins before walking off.

She was extremely nice.

"Ahem." I heard a voice near me. I turn while examining my schedule.

I look up and am nearly shocked by his beautiful blue orbs.

"You're kinda blocking my locker." He says slowly

"Uh Sorry." I say moving aside.

My gaze moves back on my schedule.

"Are you new?" He interrupts.

"No. I just love looking at my school schedule to remind me of everyday school fun!" I say sarcastically making him laugh.

"What's your name?" He asks facing me completely, grinning.

"Why would I tell you?" I ask crossing my arms over my chest.

"Because I see you don't have any friends. I can be one." He smirks biting his lip looking at me up and down.

"Yo. My face is up here pretty boy." I point at my face making him nod.

"I'm sorry, can't I admire--" a instant voice cut him off quickly.

"Liam. No flirting with new girl. She's off limits." one of Scott's friends say standing with Lydia, the red head I had just met.

"Perfect time bat boy." I fake smile toward him.

"Scott told me to keep you here you little runt. he doesn't trust you anymore" I roll my eyes.

"I don't think he ever trusted me." I lean against my now closed locker.

"She knows Scott?" this Liam boy asks pointing at me.

Burning Legacy ➳ Liam DunbarWhere stories live. Discover now