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ClaraHamington: Happy twentieth♡♡♡

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ClaraHamington: Happy twentieth♡♡♡

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"Thanks for dinner Nik" Amora said as one of the waiters  took away their dishes.

"Come on Love I'll walk you home" Nik said as he opened the door for her to exit.

"What! I'm too lazy" She said while laughing and holding Nik's hand "Come on its not that far plus we can enjoy this freedom of not having those idiotic idiots following us"

"Wow idiotic idiots first I've heard of it and most probably the last, I never want to here those words come out your mouth or else....." she said while pinching his nose slightly "or else what...."

" Shut up" she said while kissing his cheek.

"Come on" he said while dragging her "or should I carry you like your night and shining armor" He said while picking her up.

"Nik stop it you arsehole" she said while giggling then she immediately stopped giggling as she saw someone behind the bush by the gate  "Okay Nik stop there's someone behind the bush and I don't think you want them to see you here beaches they'll camp out to see you leave" she said while kissing Nik then she called Katrina to come fetch her as she didn't feel like walking all the way back to the palace since the gates were very far from the palace.

"Nik stop it you arsehole" she said while giggling then she immediately stopped giggling as she saw someone behind the bush by the gate  "Okay Nik stop there's someone behind the bush and I don't think you want them to see you here beaches they'll...

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"I don't know why you insist on shopping when you have a stylist who can do it for you" Amelia said as they where walking in the store looking for some clothes.

"Look Amy this is serious, I mean my mom is opening another cafe and she's really happy and wants us to look our best Nik is coming and it would be a pleasure if you came too so you can be looking for your clothes as this is really important for mom" sue said as she saw some earnings she liked.

"Nope don't even pick those up I mean serious if Nik asks you to marry you you'll have a whole jewelry vault waiting for you and on top of it you'll have your own jewelry so let's tone it down a little and when is your relationship going public? "

"Next week" she said spotting some paparazzi "and the same week I'll be doing an engagement with him" she said while looking at a peace of clothing.

"Wow we might get an engagement pretty soon" Amelia said while laughing at Amora who was frowning.

"It's not funny come on over wish Nik was not a King then our relationship wouldn't be watched by the world but I love him nonetheless"

"So I saw the article of you at your house gate and you were with someone and I thought you should know since you guys are going to go public I think the media will make other speculations saying that you are cheating or something like that, and you know maybe you can now come to royal gatherings like ascot now since you'll be with Nikolas" Amelia said to Amora who looked like she was thinking.

"No that means more facsinators for me"

"That's nothing once you become Queen consort you'll have to wear facsinator everyday..... I think? "

Amora just burst out laughing "Nope I want you guys to see my wonderful hair"

"You know the one thing I'll miss about you when you become queen is your style I mean I seriously like your edgy looks plus no more lipstick" Amelia said looking sad.

"if only you went so short I'd give them to you" she said looking at Amelia who gave her a mean look.

"Amelia we are both short especially when you stand near Nikolas I mean he's a giant the same height as Harry and I don't think I could deal with having my husband looking down at me and having to reach up to kiss him and you know as Queen you'll have to stand out and your height is no where near standing out"  Amora just looked at her and rolled her eyes.

"Speaking of Harry does he have a love interest of any sorts"

"Not that I know of any ways back to you I like the hair but why did you cut it and even dyed it pink"

"I didn't dye it uhm yesterday we had a color fest and now my hairs pink you should have seen Nik's face when he saw my Pink hair, but I'm sure it'll be put in a few weeks I hope it's not like this when I go to Australia next week"

"Just was you lazy girl and what are you doing at Australia? next week especially when your relationship is going public next week"

"I forgot but I don't think we should delay it anymore Nik is going to Canada next week and I'm  going to South Africa I think the news will come out when we're in different countries I want them to put up a picture of us when they announce the news and my brother wants me to start up our family charity there but this one will be different it'll be focusing on people living with Albinolisim since we heard that it's a real issue there and also the Youth he's already spoke to some people there they just want me there to be able to open the charity as its part of the Hamington Foundation"

"Ugh look at the time I have to go I have a modeling gig to go to with your sister at your house and I need to be there like ten minutes ago"

"Oh since it's at my house I'll take you there but I'm definitely not going to be with you those things bore me to death come now, and Goodluck with Clara she's been moody these past days" Amora said as the girls entered the car.

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