Shopping with Mom

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Amora, Clara and her mom Hailey were going shopping as Hailey had said that the fridge was empty even though the fridge was full.

"So Amy how is your relationship going? " Hailey asked her daughter as they were walking to the Whole Foods Market and a few paparazzi where lurking about following the mother and daughters.

"Fine relationship is fine mom" she said while adjusting her glasses.

"Gabe and I are trying for a baby you? " Clara said as she walked between Amora and Hailey, Amora just raised her eyebrow "Really now? "

"Yep and I won't model"

"Really? I can't wait for another Grand baby" Their mom cut them off.

"Yep and we haven't yet discussed it but you know with my situation we might adopt" She said as she passed the two to go enter the Market.

"I'm craving some orange juice"

"I'm hope you brought your card cause I'm not buying them for you" her mom said as Amora ground and took the shopping list from her mom's hands and took a picture of it "I'll take the bottom you take the top, Clara you can come with me" Amora said or more like commanded.

"So ate you and Gabe trying for a baby?" Amora asked her sister "Yep but with me modeling and Gabe really wanting a baby I think we might adopt"

"Clara come on there are many women out there who want children"

"I know Amy" she said while picking some sausages.

"Well at least tell me that you'll consider the baby you being pregnant not that I'm against adopting but why don't you first have your own baby then come adopt later on? " Amora said picking up some olives.

" Are those the ones mom wants you know this store sells more than a hundred different types" Clara said trying to change the topic.

"I'm not sure should I text her? " Amora said.

"No let's just take that one I'm sure if it's not the right ones she'll return them before we can pay, Hey what if we had lunch with our brother and his wife today"

"No because you and Gabe are going to have a serous talk about this whole baby thing, Clara of Gabe wants to have children with you and you deny him that then I think he'll actually divorce you because you're being selfish, look I can even help you with a way to get your body back and you'll have a little Clara running around and you'll even forget this whole body thing because your baby will the only thing that matters" Amora said while grabbing her sisters hand,

"Has Nik being giving you baby talk when you're cuddling in bed? " Clara said then laughed at she younger sisters reaction.

"I'll consider"

"When you're done considering just know that my name is avaliable" Amora said and their mom popped out of no where.

"Come on girls your dad is whining about how hungry he is, and oh I forgot to tell you your dad and I are going on holiday so you" She said while pointing at Clara "get pregnant and you" pointing at Amora "don't get pregnant"

"Mom" Amora said while laughing and her phone rang.

"Yes" she answered.

"Well that's not the reply I was hoping for" Nik said while chuckling.

"Oh hey Nikky how are you doing? " she said while giggling.

"Nothing much just missing my girlfriend"

she just rolled her eyes "out with it" she demanded as she knew that there was something that he wanted to tell her.

"Okay so I had a talk with granny and she thinks that if I'm serous I have to tell the public about our relationship as I'm king and the people want a queen by my side"

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