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"I was really lucky to have survived all you could hear were screams and people running and at that time I didn't know what to do no one was stopping to help but I decided that I could help as you could see people running over each other and others were stuck" One of the survivors of the terrorist attack on Westminster Bridge and Parliament exactly two weeks ago today.

"It must have been really scary I had went to my parents house when I saw the news and my parents were actually glad when they saw me enter the house they just hugged me and I was like what is wrong with them? And then I saw the news then I became worried I don't know how you did it but you're very brave"

"Thank you" this continued for a few hours and after that the other couple went home as the others went to KP.

Amora hadn't stepped out into the public eye as she was preparing her schedule for the rest of the month and how she was going to start her maternity leave.

On the 16th they had the easter service and this was the first time the Cambridges had attended the service so this year it would bring a lot of attention as it was also Amora's first time, then the next day she had went to a musical with Kate.

The rest of the week she had gone with the Cambridges and Harry for the heads together team reception and for the London marathon.

"So on the 5th next month Harry and I have a polo match you want to come watch? " Louis asked he's wife as they were going to bed.

"Sure" she said kissing he's cheeks "What gender do you want the baby to be? " she asked her husband as his hand was circling her belly.

"I want a boy but I think I'd like a girl" he said not really sure as both genders had pros and cons.

"I want a little boy so that he can grow up to be as handsome as you and he can be like George and wear his father's old clothes, then I want a little princess so that she can wear my little dresses and I can dress her up and doll her up" she said as she took Niks hand and kissed it as he smiled and kissed her forehead.

"I like this little bump of's cute and small I'm sure women around the world are jealous of how cute my wife looks while she's pregnant"

"Nik I don't know whether we've had this conversation but does Harry have a girlfriend?" she asked looking at Nik.

"I don't know much about Harry these days he's been rather distant but if he had I'm sure he would tell me" he lied.

"Okay she wouldn't be mean right? " she asked him like an innocent child.

"I'm sure Harry wouldn't date anyone mean honey...he's too nice to be taken advantage of and I'd kill anyone who dare use my little brother"

"I know" Amora said giggling.

"On Saturday it's Genies Wedding I can't wait" she said.

"I hope I don't look fat" this caused Nik to laugh "Ro dear we were just talking about how small and cute your belly is and now you're talking about you looking fat"

"Don't laugh I'm pregnant I'm allowed to have these thoughts" Amora said lightly pinching her husband.

"Okay whatever you say sleep" he said kissing her forehead.

"Night" she said dozing off.


"Genie you look amazing" Amora said to Eugenie as the ladies had all gotten prepared together but Amora, Beatrice and Sarah where the only ones left as Eugenie was wearing her wedding dress.

"Oh really thank you" Eugenie said hugging Amora.

"I love the cut at the back it's so pretty I'm jealous...look I have to go but love you look amazing and good luck" Amora said exiting the room and going to her car where she found Nik patiently waiting for her.

"Let's go people we have a wedding to attend" she said as the driver and Nik laughed.

Once they arrived at the church they took their seats as they waited for the the bride and her father to enter the chapel.

The whole chapel gasped at how amazing Genie looked and when she passed by Amora, Amora gave her a big smile and mouthed that she looked beautiful which got Genie smiling like crazy

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The whole chapel gasped at how amazing Genie looked and when she passed by Amora, Amora gave her a big smile and mouthed that she looked beautiful which got Genie smiling like crazy.

The ceremony was amazing and Amora was actually crying which got Nik to laugh which she mouthed 'stupid hormones' and the cameras got that and when people noticed it they laughed.

The media already loved the bond that Amora had with her in laws and they praised that bond every time.

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