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"I was so excited when I wore this dress" Amora tells Kate as she looks at her wedding and coronation dresses and tiaras.

"hear I remember the feeling" Kate replied as she remembered the feeling she got the morning of her wedding.

Amora had invited Kate, Elizabeth, Eugenie and Beatrice to view her wedding dress with her.

"I loved how simple they both were but where still magnificent on you I hope I look like that on my wedding day"

"Thank you although I felt like they where both plain" Amora said as she saw the dresses.

"Plain and eye catchy, I was surely amazed when I saw it although I was worried at how plain your coronation dress looked until I saw the veil and I understood why your dress was so simple" Elizabeth said "And I loved the fact that you got to wear both tiaras I wore for my wedding and coronation ceremony on the same day I loved it"

"Then came my second dress" Amora said as it too was in display as she wanted to have her exhibit differ from others.

"I loved the lace patterns that were honoring the Commonwealth, they where both on your veil and Second dress, and that something blue you wore to honor your late mother in law" Elizabeth said as she read what they wrote on the little board.

"My favorite part minus the dress and stuff was your thank you card, how warming it was, and your wedding pictures are amazing" Beatrice said as the ladies all agreed.

"Especially the fact that it was hand written"

"I wanted all the people who wrote me letters to know that I cared by wiring it although it was printed out the original letter is at BP" The rest of the exhibit was amazing as they went down to view View some of the other wedding dresses.

"Thank you guys for being there" she said to Eugenie and Beatrice.

"I wasn't supposed to tell you this but apparently your wedding day exhibit is bringing more people to the country the tickets are sold out and as we speak they are buying new ones" Beatrice said to Amora who literally started screeching.

"I'm having dinner with Harry, Kate and charlie tonight, do any of you know what is going on?" the sisters gave each other a look.

"We weren't supposed to tell you but he's bringing he's girlfriend so that you can meet her" Genie said.

"Oh no rain check I have to attend a gala with Nik you know the whole be revealing our first official portrait...bye ladies" she said running away from the two laughing ladies.

"Ladies and gentlemen please welcome The King and Queen accompanied by the duchess of Cambridge, who is the patron of the national portrait gallery" the announcer said as Nik and Amora along with Kate entered the room

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"Ladies and gentlemen please welcome The King and Queen accompanied by the duchess of Cambridge, who is the patron of the national portrait gallery" the announcer said as Nik and Amora along with Kate entered the room.

"Hi pleasure meeting you" she said as she shook hands with a little girl, who did a little curtsy.

"I can't wait to see the portrait" she said to this lady named Savannah " Haven't you seen it yet?"

"Well my husband over there thought he was being cute when he told the photographer to not show me the photos" she said pointing at her husband.

"Hahaha... my husband once did that and I told him if it turned out ugly I would slap him" Savannah said giggling.

"Oh I'm sure you wouldn't look ugly you're so pretty I'm jealous" Amora said touching Savannahs shoulder.

"Oh you flatter me your majesty" Savannah said blushing.

"I'm just being honest"

"Amora honey, it's time to view the portrait" he said going up the podium and with he's wife following behind him.

"Good evening you all and thank you for allowing us to release our first official portrait here knowing..." he went on with he's speech as Amora stood besides him.

"Let me not waste your time and give you want you've all been waiting to see..especially my wife who's been on my neck ever since I hid the pictures from her" Nik said with a laugh as the rest of the people laughed along with him.

The picture was displayed on the projector and the queen looked absolutely amazing as she dazzle in a tiara and gown and people couldn't help but gasp in awe as their queen looked amazing and you could see the her smile grow as she saw the picture.


Today HM's where at the national portrait gala to view the first official portrait and the queen look dashing with her little bump on display and Kate had a royal repeat moment as she too dazzled but what really had our hearts stopping was the portrait.

The portrait is amazing the queen looks amazing the king looks amazing everyone just looks amazing and we can't help but be jealous if the queens looks as she is surely the belle if our ball.

Earlier today she was accompanied by her sister in law, the York sisters and the queen mother to view her wedding dress which is going in display in a few weeks and she looked amazing and we can't help but be jealous if our queen.

We feel envy King Nicolas as he has truly got a queen on his side not just by title but also by beauty.

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