Miraculous Ladybug: 23

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"Adrien, what are you doing here?" Marinette watched as Adrien walked up to her and sat down next to her. They were at the top of the Eiffel tower.

"I'm mad at my dad. My dad is mad at me," Adrien shrugged. "I can't really go home. I don't want to see him. He doesn't want to see me..." He sighed.

"What's going on between you and him?" Marinette looked at Adrien, who had his head. "I'm sorry... I shouldn't have asked... Family problems."

"No, it's okay," Adrien told her. "You know my mom died when I was younger?" Marinette nodded. "Every single day my dad would stay in his room and stare at her picture, which doesn't sound so bad. But its just the fact that he doesn't care about anyone but himself and Mom."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that Adrien."

Adrien didn't say anything. He continued to look down. He sometimes even forgets I'm alive.

"So... You said Hawk Moth was in your father's room... Where was your father at that time?" Marinette suddenly asked out of nowhere.

Adrien looked up. "I don't know. I thought Hawk Moth had already taken him. But then the next day, he just appeared like that after Hawk Moth disappeared. I thought maybe Hawk Moth had let him go... I know that doesn't make sense, but what else will..."

"Maybe your father had a secret place to hide in your place, and wasn't actually taken by Hawk Moth..." Marinette suggested. "Or maybe..."

"I'll check around to see if there really was a hiding place," Adrien spoke. "In the meantime, can you try to capture Stephanie and hold on to her... And when I say hold on to her, I mean lock her up."

"Where am I going to lock her at?" Marinette asked, watching Adrien stand up. "In my room?"

Adrien knew she was kidding, but he didn't want to think too much. "Yeah sure, your room will be great."

"What!" Marinette stood up, and followed Adrien down the Eiffel tower. "But... My room is not jail. We have to find somewhere else... Like maybe your place?"

"You think my father would approve?" Adrien asked. "Nah... He barely let's my friends inside, so why would he let in a random stranger."

"Secretly," Marinette replied. "You can take her in secretly."

"No thanks."

"Why not?"

"I've already got a lot to worry about... Plus I'm not good at keeping prisoners in jail. They would probably escape. Marinette, Stephanie adores you. Don't you think she'll follow you up to your room, and you can lock her up or something?"

Adrien said a quick thanks and started walking away.

But how do I lock her up?

Adrien looked back, feeling sorry that he had to leave the job to her. When I said those words, I may have sounded selfish. Besides, I bet she's got a lot of things to worry about as well... For instance Alya.

Adrien took a deep breath and let it out. "I'll get you a cage if I have to," he yelled at her. Marinette frowned. "For Stephanie." Then he started jogging away from her.

Never thought I would be back here so soon. This place doesn't feel like the home for me anymore.

"Adrien, is that you?" Natalie came out to open the door for him. "Oh, I'm so glad you came back. Gabriel has been asking for you. He's even outside looking for you."

"He's outside looking for me?" Does that mean he cares?

"I'll be in my room." Adrien walked upstairs. He then walked back to see Natalie walking to the kitchen. He walked back downstairs.

Ah, it must be somewhere around here. Adrien looked at all the doors leading to different rooms. Ah, here it is. He walked inside a room, looking around to make sure he was safe and no one was in sight, he started looking through boxes and drawers for the key that opened his father's door.

I remember it was black, and had it labeled "G". Ah,  found it!

Adrien picked up the key and slid it inside his pocket, then walked out of the room.

"Adrien, are you hungry? I could make lunch," Natalie asked. "You must have not eaten breakfast either."

"I'm fine," Adrien replied, hurrying upstairs. "I ate at a friend's house."

Natalie nodded. "When you are hungry, just ask me. I'm free."

"Thanks Natalie." Adrien smiled, then walked inside his room. When he was sure Natalie had went back to being busy, and wasn't paying attention to him, he stepped out of his room, and headed for his father's room.

Time to see if there is any secret door... Or any secrets you may be hiding from all of us...

Using the key, Adrien unlocked the door, and stepped inside, making sure to close it again. He looked around the room. No secret door anywhere.

He ran his fingers through the wall, his fingers making contact with the picture frame of his mom. He ignored it and kept searching.

He started walking around the room, thinking maybe the secret room would be down. He suddenly felt himself trip, and landed on the carpet. A sudden beep was heard.

What was that? I tripped accidentally and fell on something that made a sound.

Adrien stood up, and he picked up the carpet. Sure enough, under the carpet was a door.

Ah, I need some password to unlock it. What could it be?

He tried different many things he could think of. His father's name, his mother's name. His name. He also tried his father's birthday, but none of them worked.

"Natalie, has Adrien returned?" He heard his father and gasped. I have to hurry!

"Yes. He should be up in his room," Natalie answered. Please Natalie, don't make him come here. "Sir, would you like a drink? You've been looking for him for a while, you're starting to get sweaty. Are you thirsty?"

"Alright I'll have one glass of cold water," Gabriel replied. "After that I'll go take a shower."

Adrien caught something on his father's desk. He walked right up to it and picked up the paper. It had the picture of Mom, Dad, and him. Under the picture it said "perfect family."

Perfect family? Are we really the perfect family?

"Natalie, can I get another glass?"

"Sure. Sir, while you're at it, why don't you have lunch as well?"


Relief washed over Adrien's face as he bent down to try the password again. Perfect family? He tried the word "family, and again something beeped. The door started opening.

He looked inside. There were stairs leading down to some kind of a basement he never thought they had.

He decided to go. As soon as he touched the first step, he shivered. And the more he went down, the more it got colder.

He finally made it to the bottom of the stairs, regretting not thinking if wearing a jacket. He looked around. There was a huge butterfly window.

And on the walls were the names of rows of villains of Paris.

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