Miraculous Ladybug: 25

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No he didn't faint. Marinette realized that because she noticed the little snores Adrien was making. He was fast asleep!

"Get away from my son!"

Marinette turned to see Gabriel walk inside the room. He pushed her aside and picked up Adrien, then out him in bed.

"What did you do to him?!" Marinette asked, obviously knowing that they had done something to Adrien.

"It's none of your business," Gabriel replied angrily. "You just ran into our home without anyone telling you to. You should be ashamed of yourself, young lady. Now get out of here!"

"But..." Gabriel grabbed her arm and pulled her out of Adrien's room. "You did something to yours son, I just know it!"

"You know nothing. The poor boy is just sleeping because he's a little sick," Gabriel answered. "Sick from you, probably!"

He threw her out the door. "Don't ever come back!" He yelled. "Adrien doesn't need you! He's already got me!" And then he slammed the door.

"Hey, Marinette. What are you doing here?" Marinette stood up, turned and saw Stephanie. She glared at her, remembering what Stephanie had said earlier.

"Where are you going?" Marinette asked.

"I was just passing by Adrien's house, and saw you here." Stephanie thought she had already forgotten what had happened, but then Marinette said,

"Stephanie, I need to talk to you. You hurt my best friend, I just know you did!"

Stephanie stared at her, then took off, running.

"Hey!" Marinette ran after her. Stephanie was one of the suspects and she was not about to let her go. "Catch that girl!" She yelled at the other people.

"Argh!" Stephanie tried to dodge a man that had tried to catch her, which ended up with her crashing into a parked car.

A woman grabbed a hold of her. "I got her! I got her!"

"Thank you," Marinette took Stephanie by her wrist, and pulled her away from the crowd. "You're done, Stephanie!"

"What do you mean I'm done?!" Stephanie asked. "I swear it wasn't me that almost killed your friend. It was someone else!"

"Yeah, like who?" Marinette asked. "I know it wasn't you that hit her, but I also do know that you're in it. Besides, you are jealous of Alya."

"I'm not jealous of her!" Stephanie yelled. "She's taking what belongs to me!"

Marinette pulled her into a much quieter place. "Speak! Who did it?!"


"Huh, Marinette isn't back yet?" Alya checked the time. "What is she doing over at Adrien's for so long? Has she already forgotten about me?"

A knock came on her door. "Come in," she called out. The door opened.

"Marinette, what took... Who are you?!"

A person dressed in all black had been the one to enter. She couldn't tell if it was a boy or girl, but this person was definitely shorter than the girl that had hit her.

"I'm here to end you!"

"Wahh... What did I do?!" Alya asked, backing away. "Don't come close to me! HELP!"

"There's no point in trying to yell for help!" The person said. "I was sent to end you right here. Right now." The person pulled out a knife.

"Don't come any closer!" Alya yelled. "I didn't do anything wrong. Go away!"

The person came closer and grabbed onto her arm, putting the knife in front of her neck. "Shut up," Alya realized it was a male voice. "If you do anything stupid, I'll cut off your head! You're just bait to get what I want... Or at least, what we want. Now, I want you to pick up your phone, and send Marinette's over here."

Alya nodded slowly, and picked up her phone, dialing Marinette's phone number.

"Alya?" Marinette said over the phone. "I'm kind of busy now. I think I've caught one of the people that hurt you."

"Marinette, get over here," Alya spoke in a low voice. "I'm in trouble."

"Aly, can it wait?"

"No! It can't!"


Marinette sighed. I have to lock Stephanie up though, but Alya's voice really sounds like she needs help. "Alright, I'll be right there."

She turned to Stephanie. "I guess you can go now, but don't think you're free yet. I still think it was you!"

"Marinette, how could you say such words? I trusted you," Stephanie looked away.

"I trusted you!" Marinette yelled. "But guess what? You've failed me, and I know you have something to do with Alya!" Marinette turned and ran off to the hospital.

Do I?

Marinette reached the hospital, and knocked on the door Alya was in.

"Come in!"

Marinette frowned. The voice that had said come in, had totally not sounded like Alya's voice. Is someone else in there?

She quietly stepped inside, and dropped her phone at the sight in front of her.


"Is he still sleeping?" Gabriel asked Nathalie, who had just stepped out of Adrien's room. Nathalie nodded, and looked down.

"Good!" Gabriel said. "Keep him in here. I feel like I'm close to winning over the miraculous, and soon he'll see that what I had been doing was for the good, and not to hurt him."

Nathalie nodded again, in her mind thinking, but you always lose. I doubt you'd even be given a chance to win.

Gabriel stepped inside his room, and when Nathalie was sure he had locked his door, she stepped back inside of Adrien's room.

"Adrien," Nathalie looked at him. He was sitting on his bed. She had already cured the sleepiness he was having. "I know that you know the secret about your father. If there's any secret that you're hiding from me, you can tell me."

"Why do ask?" Adrien folded his arm.

Nathalie chuckled. "I suspect you, that's why. I mean, why would you even put much effort just to find out your father's secret? Plus I also wonder how you manage to leave this place without using the front door."

"No reason."

"Adrien, I know you probably have a lot to do with your friends, and you can go do that now. Just promise me you'll be back soon."

Adrien nodded.

"Well then I'll leave it to you." Nathalie stepped outside of the room, and closed it, knowing that Adrien was not going to use the front door again. I just know I'm going to get in trouble again. But it's all worth it!...!

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