The Box

716 31 5

-2 weeks later -


"Just take the stupid thing." I huff, pushing the gun into her hands again only for her to hand it back.

"Tell me again why I have to learn how to use a gun?" Teagan crosses her arms and leans on her right leg.

"You know why, now just take it!"

I exasperatedly shove the gun back to her and this time it doesn't re-enter my palms.

"Fine," she turns the pistol over, "now how does this thing work?"

My hand clasps around the handle and I aim it at the glass bottles set up in a line, giving her detailed instructions as I did so.

These past two weeks have been good for me, other than not being able to go anywhere outside the yard for safety reasons. Of course others shot me strange looks when they heard me quietly humming while doing simple tasks such as making a sandwich or making my bed but didn't say anything about it. They must like the change of my normally expressionless attitude. I didn't dare admit the true cause of my abnormal happiness to anyone, especially Teagan, as she would probably be creeped out that she was the reason for it.

The night she asked me to stay in her room was still fresh in my mind. In fact I thought about it every night before falling asleep. It sounds pretty creepy now that I think about it, normally someone wouldn't continue to think about something that was probably insignificant, but by now I think we've discovered that nobody's completely normal.

Teagan takes the gun from me and places her feet shoulder length apart like I did, only when she aims it and pulls the trigger the bullet hits nowhere near the bottles.

"Here, hold it like this."

I place her hands on it correctly from the side and look down the sight from over her shoulder.

"Hold it like that and close your left eye. Now look down the line running from the start of the handle to the end of the barrel making sure that a bottle is above the little circle at the tip of the barrel and pull the trigger."

She does the actions as I instruct her and shoots at the targets, hitting one and making the glass shatter.

Teagan's face holds a smile when she spins around after making the bottle explode.

"I guess that wasn't so bad." She says as she hands the gun back to me.

"I guess since you've learned the basics you're free to go."

"Maybe I'm too lazy to go all the way to the house."

We were to the side of the house not even twenty yards away from the front door.

"I'm not carrying you back if that's what you're implying." I say as we start back to the house leaving the shattered bottles to clean up another day.

She let's out a 'blah' but continues walking anyways.


Shooting a gun for the first time wasn't so bad. Especially since Aleks showed me step by step what to do as I had no idea what I was supposed to do from watching him shoot the bottles.

Currently I was sitting pretzel style on the floor and looking out the large window beside the front door. I hadn't realized how bored I was until staring at the metal gates watching birds land on it became interesting. Although Jordan wanted everyone -including Zander and Clarissa - to stay inside the gates, I wasn't even allowed near them as a precaution.

A flicker of movement by the gates catches my eye. An unmoving car is sitting outside the metal fence. I wait to see if it's another gang member because obviously others lived outside of the mansion.

After multiple minutes of me staring at the vehicle without blinking, it backs up and drives away. Thinking it was just somebody who was lost, I brush it off and go back to staring at nothing.

The birds flew away. Now Sly is walking towards the gates. He opens them up. He leans over to pick up what looks like a package. Now he is on his way back.

Okay, narrating everything that's happening isn't curing my boredom either.

"Yo, who's package is this?" Sly shouts through the house, causing Seamus, Dex, James, Zander, and Aleks to enter the foyer and me to stand up.

He waved the cardboard box in the air and I squint my eyes, recalling the car that parked itself outside the gates earlier and remembering another crime show I once watched.

My eyes widen and I lunge toward a confused Sly and grab the box, throwing it out the door as far as I can. It doesn't get far before it explodes with a blast, knocking everyone off their feet and destroying most of the front wall in the foyer.

The shouts are all muffled by a ringing in my ears. Everything goes black.

I'm in a moving vehicle, someone is talking to another person sitting to the side of me. My stomach begins to churn and a bucket is placed in front of me, allowing me to vomit.

I black out again, the voices fading into nothing.



Idk why but I think I enjoy writing from Aleks' point of view more than Teagan's XD this might be a problem.

This might be the last update until next weekend because school starts on Monday so I'll probably go back to updating once a week or whenever I have free time.

Thanks for reading and have a great day! :)


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