Chapter 7

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Pit's blade clashed with Dark Pit's, both having a strength fight of who could knock down who first. Pit gritted his teeth, trying to push back Dark Pit. "Why did you kidnap Minerva from her home?! What purpose do you have with her?!"

Dark Pit was trying to push back Pit as well. "I don't have to answer anything to the likes of you!" His strength increased, pushing Pit back. Pit lost his footing, almost falling to the floor. Dark Pit saw an opening as he attacked. Pit dodged it as it almost got him, encountering the attack. "I won't let you take her!"

"But why?! She has nothing to do with you! Why did you take her?! She has a dream to achieve and you're taking that away from her!"

"She can still achieve her dream with me!"

Pit grunted at Dark Pit's statement. "What do you mean?"

Dark Pit didn't mean to let that slip out as he slightly blushed. "It's none of your business!"

The two were clashing their blades together, trying to defeat one another. Pit glared at his look alike. "Don't you care about what you're doing to her?!" He thought about what he said for a moment, realizing that his look alike doesn't care much for humans to begin with.

Dark Pit glared back. "I don't care! You should know that by now! I know you're stupid, but not this stupid!"

"You're the stupid one! You should've just left her alone!"

"You should do the same! Just because she took care of you doesn't mean she should get involved in your life! Don't you care about what you can do to her?!"

Pit grunted at Dark Pit's words. He never said that about anyone before. They fought each other so much in the past, but this was the first time his doppelgänger was showing any kind of emotion towards another person. "I'm not the one kidnapping her though!"

Dark Pit clicked his tongue. "You're just going to hurt her!" He swung his blade, managing to slice Pit's arm, making it bleed.

Pit grabbed his arm in pain, his blood staining his hand. Dark Pit was swinging his blade at him, but he managed to dodge the attacks. In his other hand, Pit had his blade as he swung it at Dark Pit without him realizing it.

Pit managed to slice Dark Pit's chest, making him fall to the ground. Dark Pit was laying on his back in pain. Pit grabbed a hold of his collar, glaring at him. "Tell me where she is."

Dark Pit just smirked. "If you used your brain, she's in the most obvious place."

Pit clicked his tongue as he threw Dark Pit towards the ground. Pit began to run towards the direction of where the cells were. He was certain that Minerva was being held captive there. He was so worried about what Dark Pit had put her through.

Arriving at the cells, Pit heard sobs echoing through the room. Trying to find which cell Minerva was in, he finally found it. He pushed himself hard against the cell door to open it until he broke the door down.

Pit ran into the cell, leaning down to Minerva's level. "Minerva! Are you ok?! Did he do anything to you?"

Minerva looked up at him with tears in her eyes, shaking her head. "No..."

Pit sighed in relief. "Thank goodness you're alright..."

Minerva was so happy to see Pit, throwing her arms around him and embracing him tightly. "I'm so happy that you're here, Pit! I was so scared! I... I thought that I would never see you again!"

Pit felt Minerva sobbing onto his shoulder as he placed a hand on her back. "I'm here now. You don't have to feel scared anymore."

Minerva embraced him even tighter. "I want to go... Please get me out of here..."

Pit nodded. "Of course." He helped her on her feet, holding her hand to support her. "Hey Minerva... About what I said about you not being able to go to Skyworld, you can come with me if you want."

Minerva grunted as she wiped her tears away. "What made you change your mind?"

"Well..." Pit rubbed the back of his head. "I talked with Lady Palutena, and she says she would like to meet you."

Minerva just blinked. "She wants to meet me?"

Pit nodded, "Yeah!" He then looked like he realized something as he was digging through his pocket. "I nearly forgot! Here you go!"

Pit placed a golden bracelet in Minerva's hands. She stared at it in awe. "It's absolutely beautiful..."

Pit smiled brightly. "It's a souvenir. Well... More like a gift from Lady Palutena. She wanted to give it to you as a thank you for taking care of me."

Minerva smiled as she slipped the bracelet on her wrist. She stared at it for a little while longer, admiring its beauty. "I love it so much. Thank you for giving it to me."

"It's not me you should thank! You should thank Lady Palutena yourself! We don't want to keep her waiting!"

Minerva realized that as she nodded. "Yeah. But how will we get out of here?"

"I know a quick way!" Pit grabbed a hold of her, carrying her princess style. A blush appeared on her face as she clung to Pit. "Here we go!"

Pit was flying straight towards the ceiling, seeming like he was going to crash through it. Minerva's eyes widen at the sight. "Pit! What are you doing?!" She shut her eyes tightly, letting out a scream.

Pit successfully broke through the ceiling, flying through the clouds. Minerva slowly opened her eyes, seeing that she was really high in the sky. She looked down, seeing that she was really high up, making her cling onto Pit tighter. He let out a chuckle. "Are you scared of heights?"

Minerva shook her head vigorously. "No! I just never been this high up before!"

"You don't have to worry about a thing. I won't let you fall no matter what."

That line made Minerva's heart skip a beat. It was like a dream that she was flying up in the clouds like this, in the arms of an angel. An angel that made her heart flutter whenever she's near him. She smiled as she rested her head against his chest. "I trust you with my life, Pit."

Pit slightly blushed, swallowing hard. "T-Thanks..." His focus went back to flying, the two were still flying through the clouds that it almost seemed endless.

From a distance up ahead, Pit could see a gate. "Look Minerva! We're almost there!"

Minerva lifted her head from Pit's chest, seeing what was up ahead. She couldn't believe that she was seeing this huge gate in the clouds. It felt like she was in some dream that she didn't want to wake up from.

They were still a little distance away, but they were getting closer by the second. She couldn't believe she was about to step foot into another world. A world where Pit came from. A place that didn't feel like real life, but a fantasy. Skyworld.

Two Angels, One Heart - A Kid Icarus FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now