The Author's Interview with Pit

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Pit: Hey readers! Pit here! If you're feeling heartbroken over the last chapter, have no fear! The author, Kim aka CapricornSiren is thinking about writing a couple of what if chapters soon! Since she couldn't really decide who the main heroine should end up with...

Kim: Well sorry! I was so indecisive about that! I'm not good with these love triangle things. Like... I didn't want one to be heartbroken in the end-

Pit: So, you just decided to break both mine and Dark Pit's hearts?

Kim: ...Yeah. Sorry. I really couldn't decide! I tried, man! I really did! I was just... Winging it!

Pit: ...Really? Did you really just..? Uh... Whatever. You just had to do that towards the end, just because you couldn't decide! Shame on you, Kim!

Kim: Shush your face, Pit! You're lucky that you're my second main on Smash Bros since Link is my main. Dude got like two other characters on Ultimate like Toon Link and Young Link. And you got Dark Pit which I sometimes play as too. I'm so happy I got the switch for Christmas!

Pit: But which one do you like playing as more? Me or Dark Pit?

Kim: Honestly, I love playing as you more since you're my baby! And hold up, I'm the one that's supposed to be asking the questions here!

Pit: I'm your baby? What's that supposed to mean? But go ahead, ask away. You're the author here, so..."

Kim: Ok, ok. So... What do you think of Minerva? I tried to create a young, naive girl with no fighting experience whatsoever. It was understandable that she was scared most of the time due to the lack of experience. I would be too if I were in that situation.

Pit: Minerva is pretty cute. Did she really get inspired by Marinette from Miraculous Ladybug?

Kim: Yeah, well... Mainly her hairstyle and nationality. Buuuut what else do you think of her?

Pit: She's really amazing in her own way. Training to be a doctor at 15? That's so cool! Whenever I'm near her, I just have the urge to protect her, you know?

Kim: I get you. If you were to write the ending, how would you want it as?

Pit: Duh! I would have Minerva end up with me! I didn't do that Yuri on Ice skit for nothing! I was doing it to woo her.

Kim: Boy please! I just wanted to make that reference since your temporary name was Eros. And then I remembered that skit from Yuri on Ice was also called Eros. And soooooo I made it work. My mind comes up with weird stuff.

Pit: You watch too much anime. You know what you need? Sleep.

Kim: I know I do. But I want to ask another question. What if after all you and Minerva went through, she ends up with Dark Pit? How would you feel?

Pit: I would be crushed and heartbroken. This was supposed to be my story! But nooooo! You decided to make it a love triangle! Why?!

Kim: Because I wanted Dark Pit to be in the story too! I know that he isn't a good guy, but he's not a bad guy either. And besides, he's a precious cinnamon roll just like you!

Pit: Why are you comparing us to food?

Kim: ...I wasn't being literal about that. Lord- in this case- Palutena have mercy on you!

Pit: What are you saying? And why are we suddenly talking about Lady Palutena now?

Kim: Oh my jesus effing christ, Pit... You are just soooo.... freaking.... precious.

Pit: I'm still confused but ok. Anyway, is there anything else you would like to ask?

Kim: I'll already know the answer, but I just want to hear it from you. How does it feel to be able to fly in this story?

Pit: It's so awesome! I can't fly in the games too much, so being able to fly in this story is just so... Cool! Thank you so much for giving me that ability!

Kim: No prob, Bob.

Pit: Who's Bob?

Kim: Aw! You were supposed to say, "It's Lapis." so we could've made a Steven Universe reference.

Pit: Oh yeah! I remember that now! But seriously... I think I love you for making me be able to fly.

Kim: Awwww that's sweet. I know that you're based off Icarus from Greek Mythology and how the story goes... The guy flew too close to the sun and his wings burned up. That's why you're not able to fly canonally. You're also based off Eros and Cupid since the whole bow and arrow thing you have. You're one cool dude!

Pit: Cooler than Pittoo and Link?

Kim: I think you're all equally cool! And it's a good thing those two are somewhere else or else they would've opened a can of whoop ass on you!

Pit: A can of... What?!

Kim: Meaning they would kick your butt.

Pit: Ohhhhhh! Well anyway, are we about to wrap this interview up?

Kim: Yeah, I think the readers are like what the actual hell are wrong with these two. So... You can do the closing just like how you did the opening.

Pit: Thanks, Kim! And if you didn't watch it before reading this, go ahead and watch the video that the author put up! It's super cool and you should totally check it out! It has me fighting Link along with Lady Palutena and Dark Pit!

Kim: It's one of my favorite videos ever!

Pit: That is all for now! See you later!

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