Chapter 18

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Inside Palutena's temple, Pit was walking down the hall with his head lowered. He felt so hurt about saying those awful things to Minerva. He didn't mean it. He just wanted her to be out of harm's way. Even if he accepted her or rejected her, Minerva would've ended up getting hurt either way.

Letting out a sigh, Pit was just walking where his feet were taking him. "What's wrong, Pit?"

Pit raised his head, seeing Link there. He just shrugged in response. "It's nothing, really."

Link raised an eyebrow. "It doesn't seem like nothing to me. Talk to me."

Pit lowered his eyes as they were wavering at the same time. "I said such terrible things to her. I said that she shouldn't be here anymore, and that I was leading her on."

Link creased his eyebrows. "Why would you say something like that?"

"I... I just don't want her getting hurt because of me. Though I did hurt her, but I mean physically hurt. If she's with me, it will only draw in more danger for her."

Link shook his head. "Think about what you're saying. Did you force her to be involved with you?"

Pit shook his head. "No... She wanted to do it."

"See? Minerva was the one who made the choice. Though she was terrified in her first battle, she gathered enough courage to help protect us. She wanted to do it. And she's been talking about how to fight Hades. She isn't as scared as she used to be. I think she can do it. I don't think it's right to make her give up."

Pit was thinking to himself for a moment. "Link... I know you know how love feels. Is it supposed to feel like this? Where your heart feels happy but hurt at the same time?"

Link nodded. "Yeah... Love isn't all sunshine and rainbows like the fairytales make it out to be." He paused for a moment, slightly smirking. "So you're admitting that you love Minerva?"

Pit started to blush, averting his eyes to the side. "I'm in love with her..."

Link smiled. "You should tell her that. You haven't actually said that you loved her yet, right?"

Pit shook his head. "No, I only said I have feelings for her. But having feelings and being in love are totally different things."

Link nodded. "You're so right on that. You should go find her and admit your real feelings to her."

"I would, but... I doubt she wants to see me right now."

"Then just give her a little time to calm down. I'm positive that she will come back eventually. She'll forgive you if you talk to her about it."

Pit lowered his eyes. "Yeah... You're probably right..."

Arriving at a dark castle with black clouds surrounding it, Dark Pit flew inside of it while carrying Minerva. He gently put her down as she looked around the inside of the castle with her eyes.

Everything inside this abandoned castle looked run down, but still usable. There wasn't too much light, the only light was the torches lighting down the halls.

Minerva slightly jumped as she felt Dark Pit place a hand on her shoulder. She turned to him, gulping nervously. He raised an eyebrow at her. "Why does it seem like you're afraid?"

Minerva lowered her eyes. "I'm not afraid. It's just that I've never been to this kind of place before."

"Technically, you have. This is where I held you captive."

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