Chapter 25

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Both Pit and Dark Pit ran where Minerva was. They slowly approached her as Pit kneeled down to her. He carefully lifted her up as she was limp in his arms. "Minerva... Come on... Wake up... This isn't funny..."

Minerva wasn't responding or moving. Dark Pit's eyes wavered at the sight at the girl he was in love with. "Minerva... No..."

Pit had tears in his eyes. "Minerva, please... Open your eyes... Give me a sign that you're still alive... Please..!" Minerva still didn't move. Tears ran down Pit's face, sobbing onto her chest. "I'm so weak... I couldn't save you... Just like you saved me..."

Dark Pit clenched his hands into fists, looking like he was trying to hold back tears. "I told you... You would have ended up hurting her."

Pit raised his head, anger visible on his face. "Shut up! Like you wouldn't have made her any happier! You would've hurt her even more!"

Dark Pit glared at him. "I wouldn't have her be in such dangerous situations like this like you have! What were you thinking?!"

"You wanna go?! Because I will make you eat those words!"

"Go ahead and try!"

Link ran over to them, trying to break up their fight. "Whoa, whoa! Calm down, you two! Are you seriously going to act like this when her final wish was for you two to get along? Do you really not want to fulfill her wish?"

Pit's eyes wavered. "I always knew he hated me. I don't think even Minerva's words would have him magically get along with me-"

"Very well." Dark Pit said. "If it's what Minerva truly feels, then I will swallow my pride and try to get along with you."

Pit grunted, his eyes were wavering as he couldn't believe his dark reflection was actually going to try to get along with him. "You're seriously going to go through with this?"

"Don't take this the wrong way. I still don't like you, and I still wish to prove myself that I'm better than you. But I will fulfill Minerva's last wish."

Pits eyes wavered, seeing Minerva in his arms. He felt himself about to cry again. "I... I want to fulfill her last wish too..."

Kagami and Lucina slowly walked over to them, both having their eyes closed in silence. Link had his eyes lowered, feeling like he had failed to protect his friends again. He closed his eyes and let out a sigh, trying to keep it together.

Pit was crying even more tears, holding Minerva's limp body close to him. "I love you... I love you so much that it hurts..." Dark Pit listened in silence, feeling the exact same way. He went close to her face, sharing one last kiss. The skies were still dark as it looked like it wasn't going to let up soon. A single drop fell from the sky as thousands more followed.

Later on, Pit had to go Minerva's village to inform everyone the news. Devastation hit everyone, especially the doctor as she collapsed into tears. Link, Kagami, and Lucina had to return to their homelands to inform their people about what has happened, but they would return when the day of the funeral comes. Dark Pit was sitting alone on a roof, trying to process the fact that the love of his life was gone. He would never hold her in his arms again. He covered his eyes with one hand, a single tear rolled down his cheek.

The day of the funeral came. The skies were gray as it looked like it was about to rain. Many people were paying their respects to the young girl who sacrificed her life to save theirs. The people from her village were there along with Doctor Lianna. The people of Skyworld were there, along with Palutena, Pit and Dark Pit. Some people from Hyrule such as Link, Zelda, Kagami who was holding a baby in her arms, along with her husband, Sidon were there. Some people from Ylisstol such as Lucina with her parents, Chrom and Robin, and her younger brother, Morgan were there.

A single drop fell from the sky as it slowly started pouring, seeming like the sky was crying. Pit and Dark Pit both walked near Minerva's grave. They both stared at it for a while, their hearts feeling heavy. The love of their life was no longer here. They could no longer see her smile, hear her voice and laugh. There won't be a day that passes by where she wasn't on their minds. But the one positive thing they could think of was... She was with her parents again.

The End

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