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Hennessy sighed deeply rubbing her aching heels

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Hennessy sighed deeply rubbing her aching heels. Thirteen hours on her feet, six times a week only to receive less than minimum wage on pay day.

She rotated her neck slightly touching her back, where she felt the most pain.

Although her job was literally awful, after a days work, she'd come home to people who could brighten her day without even speaking.

It had been a month since Terror had taken Hennessy in, and as each day passed their bond grew stronger.

She had recently started a job at a local iHop, which Terror had opposed to, but after much conditioning, he complied.

Hennessy pulled her phone out from her cross body bag, looking at the lock screen.

She had three new messages, one from Terror, and two from a boy she had met at her job a week prior.

She had three new messages, one from Terror, and two from a boy she had met at her job a week prior

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Hennessy shook her head before sending Terror a quick okay and going to start her shower.

At this point in her life, the last thing Ny was worried about was a relationship, especially with an aspiring rapper. They were drama magnets.

Hennessy stripped out of her clothes, as she stepped into the steaming bath water.

Relaxing wasn't the word. She hadn't felt this relieved in a while.

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