the end

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Hennessy looked carefully at the golden casket placed before them

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Hennessy looked carefully at the golden casket placed before them.

The ground beneath them seeming to swallow it more and more as the pastor spoke words that brought tears to everyone's eyes.

She was stuck, hurt and confused.

Stuck because it felt as if every part of her body had went numb since the day Tremaine was pronounced dead.

Hurt because after she'd found out about the news she'd been practically shunned from his entire family and prohibited from taking on funeral arrangements.

And confused because even after all of this, she still felt a sense of hope.

For the past few days, she'd been letting her tears soak her pillow as she cried herself to sleep each night. She'd been eating less, sleeping less and talking less.

She hadn't found the courage to bring herself to speak to the people that knew him. His smile, his slang and his annoyingly fascinating sense of diction.


Turning her head slightly, Hennessy caught a glimpse of Blue approaching her.

Her mouth seemed to stay glued shut as she focused back in on the dirt covered casket, that held the love of her life in it.

"Damn, that's how it is? I'm over here tryna talk to you ma."

Blue stuck his hands in his pockets, clashing his brows together while looking down at the girl.He couldn't comprehend how Terror had put up with her attitude all this time.

"What do you want Blue? Are you here to also tell me I can't be at the funeral, because I'm not leaving!"

Raking her fingers through her hair frustratingly, she turned to him.

There were no dark shades covering his eyes, no visible tears and no fading streaks adorning his face. Instead a small smile was placed there.

"Why would I tell you something like that ? I came to be the bearer of good news beautiful."

Hennessy blinked a few times, frowning at him before speaking.

"And what news can you possibly tell me, other than my man being alive, that would possibly be good right now?"

She placed a hand on her hip, as Blue looked at with a certain expression.

One of knowingness, or almost as if he were saying 'Bingo!'

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