1. First encounter

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"Sometimes, what seems to be a misfortune is actually a blessing in disguise."

"Why ...?"

Tin shouted on top of his lungs. His voice echoed inside the bathroom as water from the showerhead cascaded on his naked body.

"Why ... why ... can't I just have the one thing that I really want in my life?"

He continued to cry as he pounded his right fist against the tiled wall again and again. Until, his hand began to bruise and bled as he continued to wail in pain of his heart breaking into millions of pieces.

As fatigue crept into every fiber of his body, his erect position changed as he slowly lowered himself down to his knees on the tiled floor with his back leaning against the bathroom wall. Tin could not bear the pain that he was feeling inside his heart. He had never loved anyone as much as he had loved Can.

As exhaustion and cold continued to invade his weaken body and his desolated heart made him suffer, he prayed to Buddha. He prayed to Buddha that fate never brought him to Can. He prayed to Buddha to erase all his memories of Can. However, he contradicted himself when he begged Buddha with all his heart for Can to love him back the way he loved him.

Tin clearly remembered how it all began. Everything happened by accident. Some could even call it fate. It happened one morning as Tin was heading to his class. He was passing by the Thai Program building because it was the shorter route going to the IC building where his faculty was. As he drove by the Thai Program building, he saw a football ball rolled across the street with its owner was dashing off after the ball.

Luckily, Tin had great reflexes and he was able to step on the brake pedal and made a full stop. Hadn't he able to step on the brake on time, it would had been disastrous for him and the pedestrian.

"What the ...?!" Tin almost cursed as he stepped out of his luxurious car.

Can was oblivious that the owner of the BMW had stepped out of the vehicle. In fact, Can could be quite oblivious of all of the things around him.

At that time, Can's main objective was to get the ball before anything else happened to it. If he lost or damage another ball, he knew that their faculty football team captain, Techno, would have a fit and rant about him being irresponsible or something.

Another reason, perhaps the main reason, why Can did not want to lose or damage the ball was, it would mean he had to take some money from his meal allowance to pay for the replacement of the ball. And, the thought of it, frightened Can.

Can loved to eat. He had insatiable appetite. And, it was only in food where he could find satisfaction and happiness next from his family, friends and football. Can called it his four F's of happiness—food, family, friends and football.

He expelled a breath of relief when he had the ball in his hand. He, then, cuddled it like some posh toy as if someone would take it away from him. He smiled as if it was the greatest accomplishment he made for the day. Can was able to retrieve the ball without any accident, or so he thought. He, then, quickly turned around and collided hard against Tin and found himself with his butt on the ground. Luckily, he did not lose hold of the ball.

"Oi! What the fuck?!" Can cursed as felt the pain in his buttocks and waist.

From where he was, he could see a pair of leather black shoes. Then, he let his eyes travelled upwards and saw the neatly pressed black satin-like school pants, signature black belt and white long sleeves polo shirt was neatly pressed and perfectly tucked inside the pants. Finally, he saw the face of the person with whom he had slammed his body with—it was Tin.

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