3. Drawing them close

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"To Everything there is a season."

It was a rainy night and the rain seemed to keep pouring down without any sign of letting up. Can was on his way home and he passed by the lagoon near the IC Building, when he saw a guy laying on the wet concrete ground. He immediately ran towards the guy and saw it was one of the students that belong to the IC Building.

Holding his umbrella, he walked closer to the poor student and saw that the IC kid was beaten badly. The kid had a busted lip and black eye. Blood from the kids busted lip was being washed away by rainwater. Can's heart was breaking as he saw the kid was crying on the ground.

"Ae Engineer... Ae Engineer..." The IC kid kept saying like he was in a state of delirium.

Immediately, Can took out his phone and dialed Ae' number. He was worried that his friend, Ae from the Faculty of Engineering might be the person responsible for what the IC kid's condition. He knew that his friend could be hot-tempered sometime, however, he knew that Ae would not get into a fight unless he had a valid reason to engage into a fight.

However, Ae's phone was busy. He dialed it again. Still, it was busy. He knew that he had to reach Ae to find out the truth from his friend. He dialed Ae's number again, at last, the phone was trilling.

"Hello Ai'Can." Finally, Ae's phone line was no longer busy. "I cannot speak right now."

"Ai'Ae, I have something to ask you." Can said nervously.

"What's the matter, Can? Speak up." Ae replied.

"Promise, you won't be mad at if I ask you about this, okay?" Can began to say.

"What is it?" Ae asked impatiently. "Just say it, already! I have an important thing to do."

Can knew that his friend was a bit short-tempered and sensitive and he did not want to have any misunderstanding with his dear friend.

"Oi! Just say it already, will you?!" Ae was really being impatient.

"Well ... did you just beat up an IC kid?" Can blurted out. "I'm here outside at the IC Building. Someone got beat up badly laying on the ground. He keeps on saying 'Ae Engineer' repeatedly."

"Ai'Pete!" Ae replied.

"Who is Pete?" Can asked.

"I have no time to explain. Ai'Can, take care of him for me. Don't let him be alone. I'll be there as soon as I can." Ae ended the call.

"Are you okay?" Can asked Pete. "Can you stand up?"

However, Pete did not respond. Can tried help the IC kid stand up, however, Pete was badly beaten, and it pained him to move. Can was panicking knowing that the IC kid needed medical attention immediately and Ae had come yet.

"Hang in there, kid, Ai'Ae is coming." Can reassured Pete.

He looked at time on his phone and almost 10 minutes had passed and Ae was nowhere in sight. By this time, he was really getting worried that the IC kid might get pneumonia. He was about dial the emergency 191, when he saw Ae rushing towards him.

"Where is he?" Ae asked frantically.

"There... there..." Can was pointing Pete was still laying on the ground.

Can saw Ae threw his bag on the ground as he went to Pete's side. He could see how worried his friend was for the IC kind. Can stood there a foot or two away from Ae and Pete as he anxiously awaited what to do next.

"I was about to call 191 before you came, should I dial it now." Can asked Ae.

"Please don't," Pete said.

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