As you can see I've started an ErrorFresh OneShot book!
I will be taking requests but if you do have a request like please give me a little bit of a plot for the OneShot if you can. I'm not very good at making up my own plots so if you do have a request and it doesn't have a plot it may take me a little longer to get your OneShot written.
Please request on this page only. It makes it easier when I have to look back to see who requested what. When I have to look through the book to find a request put on one of the chapters it just makes it harder to do that.
This is an ErrorFresh OneShot book only
Fluff is allowed!
Sin... right... No. Not anymore, anyway. It just takes me way too long to write a smut one shot and I'm not that good at it anyway so yeah. Only fluff. (I'll probably go back and forth with the sin no sin thing-)
OneShot lengths will vary. Sometimes I can write a 4000+ Words OneShot and sometimes I can't. I try to make all of the OneShots at least 1000 words if I can. If you ask me to write a OneShot that does involve sin then it probably will be shorter.
One more thing, please do NOT ask me to do a OneShot where the characters are gender bend or one of them is a girl. I won't do it.
Anyway, that's all! Request away!
ErrorFresh OneShots
Short StoryJust a bunch of ErrorFresh and a few other Sanscest OneShots! Cover made by darkfucker on tumblr! *I wrote this when I was 14. Don't expect much.