"unTiL tOmOrrOw!" - Pirate!Fresh x Siren!Error

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Requested by- Halpmehplz123

Error hummed as he looked out of the window of his bedroom. It was currently night time and his mother was asleep. At least, he thought she was. He'd have to check.

Error swam out of his room and down the hallway, peaking his head in his mother's room. She was asleep.

Error grinned and then swam through the large palace that he lived in. Now all he had to do was get out without any of the guards noticing. He swam back to his room and put a couple of things on his bed, putting his covers over it so it looked like he was in the bed.

"pERfECt," Error mumbled to himself before he put a seaweed cloak on and took the back exit out of the palace.

Error wasn't allowed out of the palace without guards and he was never allowed to go up to the surface either since his mother said it was dangerous. Of course, Error always wanted to go out by himself and to go to the surface. That's the whole reason he snuck out tonight.

Error swam out of the palace gates and out to the main part of the ocean where other sirens and creatures lived. He saw a few still out and about but not many. Error pulled the cloak over his head a bit more, so he would get recognized, and quickly swam past the town.

Once he was far enough away, Error started to swim up to the surface. He stopped halfway when he saw a large, weird, light brown, thing in the water. "wHat'S thIs...?" Error murmured to himself, tugging on the large item. He yelled when it seemed to close up and start to get pulled the surface. Now he was sick but he didn't seem to catch into that just yet

Error kept tugging on the item, which was a net, though, he didn't know it, for a small moment before he finally realized he was moving up. "i'M gOinG uP... ThiS iS bAd.." Error paused. "wAit! i'M gOinG uP! I cAn SeE The SurfacE!" He said to himself happily.

Once the net got pulled all the way to the surface, Error saw a bunch of men, on a large wooden thing, which was a pirate ship, staring at him.

They men continued to stare at Error for another minute before PaperJam spoke. "Oh my god, it's a siren! We need to get it in the tank before it dies! These things are rare!" PaperJam said quickly. A few of the other pirates pushed a medium sized tank out onto the deck and dumped Error inside of it.

After that, PaperJam ran off to get their captain, Fresh.

Error blinked a few times and looked around with awe at all for He new things he was seeing with.
A few minutes later, PaperJam came back out to the deck with Fresh. "See! See! It's a siren! I told you!" PaperJam said, pointing over at the tank Error was in.

Fresh looked over at the tank after a moment. "So ya really weren't kiddin then. Ya actually managed ta get," He said, walking over and standing in front of the tank.

PaperJam nodded. "Do you know how much gold we'll get if we sell it?! We'll be rich!" He shouted, a few other pirates starting to talk too.

Error, who was listening to their conversation, went wide eyed once he heard that, whipping his head around and looking for an exit. He turned swam to the top of the tank, planning to jump out. He hissed in pain when he hit some kind of invisible thing, which was just glass.

Error rubbed his forehead and blinked in confusion. He put his hand on the glass, tapping it a few times with his hand.

Fresh chuckled. "That's called glass."

Error turned to Fresh, looked down at him for a moment before he swam back down to the bottom of the tank. He squinted and stared at Fresh for a moment before he thought, "hE's fUckInG hOT." Well, he thought he said that inside of his head but he said it out loud.

All of the nearby pirates, burst out into laugher, except for PaperJam who looked a little angry. Geno patted Fresh on the back. "Looks like someone likes you, Capt'n," He snickered.

Error blushed from embarrassment when he realized he had spoke aloud and curled up at the bottom of the tank. It was his way of hiding from his embarrassment.

Fresh chuckled slightly. "Alright, alright, settle down. Ya guys go on ta bed. We'll do somethin' with tha siren in tha mornin'"

The pirates nodded before they walked off of the deck and down to the stern of the ship where their beds were located.

By this point, Error has recovered from his embarrassment and was now looking for another way out. He couldn't get sold off! He had a family and friends to go back too! Who knew what would happen to him!

Fresh tapped on the glass, looking up at Error, who was at the top of the tank. "Ya can stop lookin' for a way out. I'm not gonna sell ya off."

Error swam down to the bottom of the tank. "I DoN'T bElIvE yOu," He said, making Fresh laugh.

Fresh sat down on the deck, resting his head in his hand. "That's fine if ya don't but I promise ya I'll let ya go once all of tha crew is asleep. Just so ya know, I take promises seriously n I make sure I keep 'em."

"... fiNE tHeN bUT yOu BeTtEr noT bE lyIng!"

Fresh nodded. "In tha meantime, why don't we talk, hm? It'll be a few hours before we reach land again. Ya wanna know more about monsters n how they live, don't ya? Well, I'll tell ya."

Error sat down at the bottom of the tank, scooting close to the glass. "rEaLlY?! evErYthIng?!"

Fresh nodded again. "As much as I can before ya hafta go back home."

"okaY, oKaY, HuRrY uP aNd sTart!"

"Well, let's start from when monsters first came into existence. It all started when..."


"N then- Ah, that's all for now."

"whAt?' whY?!" Error whined.

Fresh laughed and stood up, pointing to the right. "Look. We've reached land."

Error looked to where Fresh pointed. "aWh... OkAy..."

Fresh dropped the anchor down into the water, making sire his ship stopped completely before he let the gangplank down. He then walked over to Error's tank and pushed it down the gangplank, onto the shore.

Fresh pushed Error's tank to the water before he tipped it over and let Error fall into the water. "As promised, yer free ta go," Fresh said, standing the tank back up.

Error popped his head out of the water and looked at Fresh. "aH... tHanK yOu..."

Fresh raised a brow. "What's wrong? Ya seem ta have somethin on yer mind."

Error fiddled with his fingers slightly. "uHM.. wILl I SeE yOu AgaIn...? I-I mEAn We DiDn'T fInIsh The StoRy a-AnD thERe'S sTill a LoT I wAnnA knOw..."

Fresh laughed. "Why, Of course. We'll be here for a little while. Just come back tamorrow."


Fresh nodded. "Yes. Now ya should get goin'. It's almost sunrise."

"wAiT. pRoMiSe Me yOu'Ll bE hErE."

Fresh put a hand to his chest and the other in the air. "I promise ya we'll be here tomorrow."

Error smiled before he pulled himself into the shore beside Fresh, who was sitting on the ground, and kissed him. He pulled away after a second and sank back down into the water, blushing slightly. "tHaT wAs mY tHanK yOu fOr NoT sEllIng Me OFf."

Fresh touched his teeth with his hand, a blush growing on his face. He grinned, his gold tooth showing. "Yer welcome. Until tamorrow."

Error nodded. "unTiL tOmOrrOw!" He flashed a smile before he swam off deep into the sea.

Words - 1324

ErrorFresh OneShotsWhere stories live. Discover now