Chapter 10

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"Carter!!!" I shrieked into the walkie talkie 

"Whats wrong?" he asked 

"I need help someones trying to break into the car!" I yelled scooting away from the window


the man trying to break in was down his body had slowly fallen and the person who had shot him was revealed it was a boy he was wearing  a leather jacket with a cobra on the back

I opened the car door and stepped out but fell and he caught me

"You okay?" he asked with a pearly white smile

"Yes." I said getting out of his grasp

"Wow isn't that some way to thank someone who just saved your life." he laughed

"I'm sorry but my boyfr- I mean someone I know wouldn't like you touching me like that." I said hiding my face cause it was red

"You have a boyfriend?" he asked with an eyebrow raised "Why wouldn't he want me touching you."

"I have a boyfriend but hes not the one who wouldn't want you touching me its complicated." I sighed 

I noticed that it was a bit cold outside and I was chilly

"You want my sweatshirt?" he asked already taking it off 

"Uh no it's ok-" he handed it to me before I said more and I put it on and zipped it up

"I wish I could repay you." I said

"There are ways." he said with a slight smirk

I laughed and rolled my eyes "I literally don't even know your name."

"Chase." he answered 

"Bree!" Carter yelled from across the yard "I said to stay in the car!"

"Is that your boyfriend?" he asked laughing

"No its the boy who wouldn't want you touching me." I replied 

"Oh I know he would hate me touching you." he stated 

"Why?" I asked 

"We have history." he stated

"Are you okay?" Carter asked hugging me

"Yeah I am fine Chase shot the guy so I'm fine." I said hugging back Chase stood their awkwardly

"I'll catch you later Bree." Chase said going to his own car

"Stay away from him." Carter whispered to me

"Why?" I asked

"Hes not someone you would want to know." Carter stated 

"Alright I guess." I stated 

"Its getting late I should get you home." he said sighing

"I can just text my mom that I'm staying at Bella's house." I suggested 

"As much as I would like that." he said "You. In my bed."

"I wouldn't be able to handle myself." he winked opening the car door

"Whatever." I said with a little smile "And anyway I don't have to sleepover."

"Just text her I wanna spend more time with you anyway." Carter whispered kissing me

I texted my mom and got the okay and we drove to the house.

We were the last ones home so Jasmine and the rest of the gang were already sitting down 

"We got food." Jasmine told me as we entered the house pulling me towards the kitchen and Carter followed 

We all started eating our food but Carter just stood in the doorway on his phone looking busy

"Hey you." I said throwing a fork at him and he flinched "You gonna join me?"

"No its okay." He said walking upstairs

"What's up with him?" I asked 

"Hes jealous." Jasmine said

"Of what." I said with an eyebrow raised 

"Jasmine!" Meghan yelled

"What she needs to know." Jasmine shrugged

"Yeah you got Carter reaaal Jealous." Jackson said laughing

"What did I do?"

"You know that guy Chase you met?" Marshall asked "Yeah he can't stand him."

"And why is that?" I asked rolling my eyes

"Ever since we were kids Chase has beaten Carter in everything but the battle kind of evened out throughout middle school and high school." Jasmine said with a 

"What am I like a bet?" I asked with a little laugh

"You better hope your not cause if you are both of them are not gonna stop until they have you." Jackson said eating his food 

"I know thats right." Kelly muttered

"I'm gonna go talk to him." I said getting up 

"Liz its best to just leave Carter alone when hes like this." Jackson said giving me a serious look

"It'll be fine." I shrugged making my way up the stairs 

I slowly walked up the stairs and peeked into the gym which is where he was 

His shirt was off and he was punching a gym bag it looked like he was almost about to break it, it was so worn down

I walked in and he didn't look up 

"What's wrong?" I asked and he continued to hit the bag

"Nothing." he said 

"Look at me when I'm talking to you." I said and he stopped and looked up at me

"Nothing is wrong." he said looking at me with a broad smile "Just promise you'll stay away from Chase." 

"If hes making you this upset then yes." I said

I got dropped off at him and went straight to my room and locked the door.

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