Chapter 13

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Bree's Mom's POV

Her room is so messy

I was cleaning my daughter's room and maybe snooping who knows 

Oh God-

"Jack!"I yelled my husbands name 

"What is it?" He asked coming in

"This." I said holding up a gun

"Where in the world did she get that?!" He exclaimed frantically

"I don't know but I'm picking her up from Bella's house right now." I said going downstairs and grabbing my keys

I got in the car and drove to Bella's house

"What do you mean shes not here?" I asked once I got to her door

"Did she say she was?" Bella asked really confused

"Yes." I said 

"I don't know where she is but Sofia might." Bella suggested with a shrug

I next drove to Sofia's house but this time with my husband

"I think I might know where she is." Sofia said and wrote down an address

"Is he a boy?" I asked

"Uh yeah." She said a little uncomfortable

"Thank you so much." I thanked and went back to the car

Bree's POV

It was pretty cold outside I was standing outside a huge loading dock with boats Carter was with me

We were also standing with the owner of the boats and the man we were doing business with Mr. Ricardo

"20 milligrams of your finest drugs from Mexico correct?" Mr.Ricardo asked

"Yup." Carter said

"Drugs?" I asked giving him a dismissive look

"Is this your wife?" Mr. Ricardo asked

"I wish but no." Carter responded

A smile appeared briefly on my face

"You know your one of my favorite clients." Mr. Ricardo said "And this pretty lady isn't too hard on these eyes how would you feel about meeting some other people in my line of work."

"I have a lot clients now but some more wouldn't hurt." Carter shrugged

"Great we'll talk?" The man asked as he picked up his  phone

"Yup." Carter nodded

"So now what?" I asked

"Well after this were gonna go home and..." he said that part out loud and then whispered the rest into my ear

"Yeah I'm not letting you do that." I said with a laugh

"We'll see." he said

I shivered a little cause it was cold

"Here." he said putting his leather jacket around me

"I thought only Cartel Leaders got to wear these." I said 

"Well half the cartel already listens to you cause your the female boss." Carter laughed

"Yeah alright." I said grabbing his arm and looking at his watch

It was already 4:00

"Lets head home." Carter said putting his arm around me walking me to the car

"Your job is so boring." I said laying down in my seat I was tired

Carter laid back too and we stared at each other and then he proceeded to make out with me 

It took us a while to realize we were at home we had stayed in the car making out for a while

"Took you guys long enough." Jasmine said as we both sat down for dinner

"Yeah what were you two doing I wonder?" Marshall asked with curiosity and a smile

"That is for us to know and for you to never find out." Carter said

We all started eating and laughing it was like a second family

"So when is the wedding you two?" Meghan asked

"February 30." Carter responded

"Oh my god really?" Meghan gasped

"Thats not a real date idiot theres only 28 days in the month of February." Jasmine said shaking her head and we all laughed

"It totally is just take some days from March." Meghan shrugged

"Aren't you the person who works with computers your smarter than this Meggy." Jackson said patting her and she rolled her eyes

Then there was a knock on the door

"Whose that?" I asked

"The housekeeper or guards will get it." Carter shrugged

Then we all actually heard the house door open

"Who is it?" Carter yelled

"Bree. Were going home now get in the car." I heard my mother's voice say

"Oh shit." Kelly muttered sipping her water

"I mean it now get up." My mother warned

"Bye Carter." I said standing up and he looked at me with sad eyes 

"Bye." he responded

I got in the car and my mom was silent with disappointment

"I don't even know where to begin." my mother said shaking her head "You lie to me about your whereabouts and that house was NOT SAFE I saw guards with guns, not to mention I found your gun in your room."

that last part sent fear throughout my body

"Your grounded for I don't even know how long." she continued "No going out come straight home after school."

"I don't ever want to see you with that boy ever again you hear me?" she asked

"Mom thats not fair!" I exclaimed

"Not fair? Whats not fair is you not telling me the truth and my 16 year old daughter has a gun thats not fair." She corrected

"I don't care what you say I'm going to see him." I said looking out the window

"What did you just say?" she asked "Repeat it again?"

I didn't say anything else

"Yeah thats what I thought get smart with me again little girl." my mother cursed parking the car

I got in the house and went straight to my room and cried for a very long time.

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