Question 241

440 2 33

Meggy: Oh, this will be fun.

(She puts on camouflage gear to blend in with the background, runs to the base, and goes inside, carrying a sack. There, she went behind her targets and stole a piece of headgear from them. She stole Orange Angel's entire headgear, Dark Squid's headphones, SMG3's hat, EM64's hat, Thief's gas mask, and Enzo's hat. After she done her job, she ran back home, while everyone else noticed)

Orange Angel: Where did my headgear go?

SMG3: Same as our hats.

Thief: And my gas mask.

Zelus: I know who did this. It was Meggy. Not only did she steal my hat, but Desti's shorts as well.

Dark Squid: Well, it's time to teach her a lesson.


Meggy: (arrives home and laughs) Oh this is so much fun.

ReaderFromWR: What do you have?

Meggy: Oh, just the headgear of the villains I stole just to screw with them.

ReaderFromWR: (laughs) You're such a great pranker.

Mario: So that's why I saw things that looked like Zelus's hat and Desti's shorts in the house. I got something to make this all worthwhile.

(He made a shelf with signs showing what those stolen articles of clothing are, and puts them in their places on the shelf)

Meggy: You always find ways to make things more funny, Mario.

Mario: Thanks, Meggy.

Meggy: (yawns) I guess it's time to hit the hay.

Mario: You're right. Good night, Meggy. (kisses Meggy) I love you.

Meggy: I love you too, Mario. Good night, Reader.

ReaderFromWR: Good night.

(They all went to bed, but a couple hours later, Dark Squid and a few of her partners sneaked into Mario and Meggy's house. They snuck inside and saw their clothing on a shelf. They grabbed them all, with Desti being more relieved than all of them)

Desti (whispers): Glad to have these back.

Dark Squid (whispers): We aren't done yet. Let's give Meggy a surprise when she wakes up.

(They snuck into Mario and Meggy's room and started to take all of Meggy's clothes from the drawer beside the bed. Once that was all over with, they went on to the hardest part of this plan, until Orange Angel gets an idea)

Orange Angel (whispers): I have something that will make this easier.

(Orange Angel transported Meggy's clothes that she's wearing off of her, leaving her naked, and put them on the ground as she picked them up)

Orange Angel (whispers): No need to thank me. I just want revenge on Meggy for flipping me off and mocking me.

Dark Squid (whispers): Let's just go. We're staying outside her house to watch Meggy's reactions. Go grab the popcorn while you put Meggy's clothes in our base, Thief.

Thief: Alright.

(While Thief ran back to the base to store the clothes and get the popcorn, the others camp out for the night, while Dark Squid stays awake to notify everyone once Meggy wakes up to see a shocking surprise gone too far)

Ask Meggy Anything! Part 2 (Questions 190-376)Where stories live. Discover now