Bonus: Mario saves the clothes

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(While Meggy was answering the past few questions naked, Mario infiltrated the villains' base to take Meggy's clothes back, starting with getting out a megaphone)

Mario (megaphone): Alright, villains. You hate me and I hate you. But I'm just trying to get my girlfriend's clothes back. Don't be total douchebags!

Dark Squid: Never! She got what she deserved!

Mario: No she didn't. Those were all jokes and pranks.

Desti: You call me being exposed a joke?

Mario: Yes. Now give her clothes back. She's very worried and scared. She even screamed.

Zelus: No! (locks every door)

Mario: Aw, shit.

(Mario seems to be out of luck, until he came across Wario)

Wario: Have you seen my brother?

Mario: Yes I have, and... *sigh* I hate to break it to you, but Waluigi... he's evil again.

Wario: Oh no. Why's he doing this again?

Mario: It's not his fault. It's theirs.

Wario: Who's?

Mario: The villains. They brainwashed him. I can tell because his eyes are now different.

Wario: He dare brainwash my brother!

Mario: Can you help me get into their base?

Wario: Of course I'll help you. My bro is inside, and I gotta save him.

(Wario went with Mario to the base and used a drill to dig through the ground, then he digged forward, then upward, and now they're in the base)

Mario (whispers): Now we have to be extra quiet. They might hear us if we're loud, so they might capture us. Okay?

Wario (whispers): Alright.

(Mario and Wario snuck around through the base for the next few minutes, until Mario found what he is looking for. All of Meggy's clothes, as he held them up and celebrated, Zelda-style *insert Zelda item get music*)

Mario: Well, I better get going.

Wario: Wait. What about Waluigi?

Mario: I came here for one thing, and that's this. You're on your own, pal.

Wario: Fine! I can do this on my own.

(While Mario snuck back to the hole, went through it and blocked it, Wario found Waluigi and walked to him)

Wario: Waluigi? Is that you? Your bro is here.


(Everyone came over here and caught Wario)

Wario: Fellas. I can explain.

Orange Angel: Hush, intruder! I know exactly where to take you.

Wario: Shit.


(Mario arrived back at the house, Meggy's clothes in hand, as he opened the door)

Mario: Look what I got!

Meggy: (ran up from the basement and saw all her clothes returned) Thank you so much, Mario. (grabs a pair of her normal attire, along with her headgear, and puts them on again) It feels good to be clothed again. So what happened, Mario?

Mario: I met Wario. He helped me out because something about Waluigi, etc, etc.

Meggy: Well I hope he does fine with his brother. Now to get to Infinite.

(Meggy ran over to Infinite who was on the couch, and took care of him)

Ask Meggy Anything! Part 2 (Questions 190-376)Where stories live. Discover now