Question 289 Response

266 3 4

Meggy: I don't know. Let me check on the e...

(The egg starts to crack)

Meggy: Oh my god. Mario, come over here! The egg I was given is starting to hatch!

Mario: No way! I can't wait to see what's inside!

(The egg hatched, and out came a Ralts)

Ralts: Rallll...

Meggy: Oh, it's so cute!

Mario: This is another Pokémon, right?

Meggy: Yes it is. Hey there, little Ralts. I'm your trainer, Meggy.

Ralts: Ralts!

(Ralts jumped towards Meggy and hugged her)

Meggy: You're so adorable!

Mario: Looks like we have another mouth to feed.

(Thor and Keara started barking)

Mario: I know that you're hungry, little canines. (gives the dogs some dog food)

Ask Meggy Anything! Part 2 (Questions 190-376)Where stories live. Discover now