I'm alive

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Hi, it's ya girl! I'm alive and not dead! I hasn't been on Wattpad for a long time because of a lot of new things. For example, I graduated! Yep, I'm a freshman now, ya girl is grown. Just kidding no I'm not, I'm still immature :)). Yeah, I started high school and it's interesting, everyone is still trying break out their middle school bubble, I have broken out of my bubble, I made many new friends and lost a couple. My teachers are okay, I like my ethic studies teacher, he's a cool Filipino dude. Hi! Mr.M even though I don't really do work, I'm working on it. Bio sucks, nuff said. My English teacher's class is all about you, ya know just those teacher so make it about their students. And lastly my math teacher, oh boy that's a story for other time. I joined a lion dance group, it's very fun and I just debut as part of a dragon! It's was good celebrate with a bunch of people. I'm excited what kind a mess or fun 2019 brings me, I want to work on self improvement, at a new school ya know and I can't wait to share everything with y'all!

See you in 2019
Sorry for the hiatus, I recently moved this summer and I started school, last week was finals. For people who aren't on high school yet. Two words: Fuck Finals :))

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