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"evelyn, something came in the mail for you!" my mother's voice echoed from the living room.

but i never get mail?

then i remembered and inhaled sharply... this could possibly be from australia zoo regarding my job interview application...

or it could be my most recent online shopping purchase?!?

but wait... who even sends letters anymore, wouldn't i just get an email from the zoo? i considered.

well, i was not going to wait around to find out, "coming mum!" i shouted back and sprinted out of my bedroom and hurdled down the stairs, two at a time.

my mother handed me a crisp ivory envelope and smiled.

i thanked my mum and took the letter, and flipped it over to see who the sender was, noticing a gold "a.z" printed near the bottom corner.

so it really was from the zoo!

how bizzare, i fumbled around clumsily as i tore the envelope open, i really wanted this job interview so badly.

the letter read;

dear evelyn,
we have received your interview application and can gladly say that you have secured an interview on the 2nd of April at 12:30.

please check our website for any other details

hope to see you there,
rebecca stewart, australia zoo employment manager.

i read the letter out loud to my mum with my voice stuttering slightly from sheer excitement, i now had a chance of getting my dream part-time job.

i had applied to be a school holidays tour guide for the zoo, as it was a popular destination for holiday care programs with small children.

i straight away set to work on preparing my resume and sources that were required for the interview, because i was going to get this job.

even though it was a month away from the interview i was already stressing on what to say and the right outfit to appear like a suitable candidate.

but hey, i'm a chronic over-thinker, what can i say?

maybe my preparation efforts were a little bit extreme for a part-time job, but you have to understand, i absolutely had to have this job!

i needed to seem like a perfect fit.

i got my recommendations from the animal shelter that i volunteer at, and i also got one from my uncle who is one of the veterinarians at taronga zoo in sydney.

i didn't need qualifications as i was only applying to be a tour guide and would have be trained if i got the job.

in my mind, i hoped that once i finished school i could upgrade my job to being a zookeeper, after i received the qualifications of course.

this job was my way into my future.

my way to forget the past.

another benefit of the job was that i had a possibility to work with robert irwin as he practically lived at australia zoo and was rumoured to help in nearly everything.

now, don't get me wrong, i am no obsessive fangirl creep, but there was something about robert that seemed so genuine.

he always appeared to be so happy, and part of me wondered if it was a facade.

i wondered if he was hurting underneath.

like me.

some completely uncalled for advice:

i hope you are enjoying the story so far,
i just thought i would share one of my favourite quotes;

i hope you are enjoying the story so far, i just thought i would share one of my favourite quotes;

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"sometimes doing what's best for you won't feel the best"

i know change can be hard, and i get it - i am currently dealing with the aftermath of removing a toxic friend from my life.

but you need to be there for yourself and stick up for yourself, and that means cutting out toxicity and anyone who treats you badly.

it may hurt at first, but you will heal and you are so much stronger than you think, you have got this! :)

- charlotte ♡

zoo boy ~ robert irwinWhere stories live. Discover now