Chapter 17

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-Acnologia pov-

I walk into the cave and sit down. I take off my wet cloak and I listen to the sound of the rain hitting the ground. The scent of death is in the air, but it has faded. Along with the scent of Zeref.

I have come close to finding him, but he moves around to quickly for me to get to him. I look up and see the roof of the cave. I sigh.

' I'm coming for you Anna, just hold on a little longer.'

-Natsu pov-

I slowly open my eyes, and I try to sit up. But I find a weight on me, pushing me back down to the bed. I look down and see golden blond hair. I smile and brush a strand of hair behind her ear. I hear a chuckle and I see Happy in exceed form, smirking at us.

"Kukukuu~, You liiiike her!" He says.

I stare at him, and I feel my face get slightly hotter. "No Happy. I loooove her!"

I feel Lucy shaking, and I see Happy fly off. I look down at Lucy, slightly worried. She tilts her head up, and I see her smiling. She laughs harder than she was before. She smiles and kisses me, which I return.

"And I Loooove you too!" She chuckles.

I blush a bit, and I hug her. She hugs back, but then I feel another pair of arms wrap around us. I pull back slightly, and see Wendy smiling at us. I smile back and wrap a arm around her too. We do a big hug until we hear a cough.

We break apart and see Carla flying in the doorway. I huff and glare at her slightly. I feel a impact on my head and I look and see Lucy glaring at me. I gulp, and mutter a small sorry. Lucy huffs, and stands up.

"Virgo!" Lucy says.

A puff of pink smoke, and we see a pink haired girl in a maid outfit. "Punishment Hime?" Virgo asks.

Everyone looks at Lucy with a questioning look. Lucy sighs and mutters, "That's how she normally is, I don't do that."

We nod, and Lucy asks Virgo for a pair of clothes for Wendy. Virgo disappears and comes back with a outfit. Wendy walks into the bathroom and changes. Virgo goes back to the celestial realm, and we start getting ready to go to the guild.

-Time skip, cause I am lazy rn :P-

-Lucy pov-

We walk to the guild and thought of something to ask Wendy. "Wendy-chan, why are you in Fairy Tail?"

Wendy looks up at me. "I was originally in another guild, but then that guild was destroyed. And then Fairy Tail offered me a place to live, and also offered me to join the guild. I accepted. And luckily, you were also apart of the guild too!" She smiled.

I smiled back, and Natsu put his arm around my waist. I smiled at him and did the same to him. Wendy smiled at us. "I'm glad that you are together. Because you can tell by the looks on your faces, that you love each other a lot. And whenever I had heard rumors about Natsu, I was really scared. But now I know they aren't true at all!"

Natsu looked at Wendy with a small smile. "If the rumors are that I beat up the guild, then that's true. And that I wouldn't let anyone other than Happy near me, that's true too. But I also will let Luce, and you around me. And maybe your cat too."

Wendy looked at Natsu shocked. "You beat up everyone?"

Natsu nodded. "Even Erza?!" She yelled.

Natsu nodded. "Whoa. That's crazy. But why will you let me near you?" She asks.

He looks at me and kisses my cheek. "Because of Luce. And you also are like a little sister to me and Luce. And I won't hurt my family."

I smile and awe at Natsu. I kiss him again, and we walk into the guild. Natsu looks around, and then he quickly kisses me, before jumping into the rafters. I sigh, and look at the guild. Only to see them try and get Wendy away from me. I frown and hug Wendy to my side.

"What are you guys doing?" I ask.

I see Erza walk in front of the rest of the guild members. She stays a few feet away from me.

"You harmed a guild mate, and you showed that you have the same power that Chaos has. We don't want Wendy to be hurt, so we are going to take her and leave you and Chaos alone." She says.

I glare at her. "I guess I should let you take her, right? Well, I'm not going to let you have Wendy-Chan. She's my little sister, and I would never harm her. And neither will Natsu." I state.

Everyone in the guild looks at Natsu before staring at me. "Your calling him by his first name?!" Gray shouts.

"Yes, because I am his mate. You see, I was kidnapped by Acnologia. Who ended up being my real father. And Natsu found me after five years of me training to be a chaos dragon slayer. And we came back because my dad is searching for Zeref, who has my real mom." I explain.

The guild freezes, slowly taking in the information.

"So wait, your Acnologia's daughter?!" Gray shouts.

I sigh. "Yes, I thought I had already said that."

The guild starts yelling questions, until Master stood up and yelled, "Silence!"

Then he turned to me. "Lucy, who is your mother? You said that Zeref had kidnapped her."

"My mother is Anna Heartfilia." I say.

Master was about to say something, until we heard Natsu growl. I look up and see him glaring at someone. Before I could try and see who he was glaring at, he pounced down. I heard a few punches and I saw fire.

I push my way through the crowd and see Natsu fighting. . . Gajeel?! I grab Natsu off of him and I hold him. He thrashes against me, trying to break free. But then he looks at me, and he calms down. I smile and kiss him. Calming the dragon that was forcing it's way out. I pull back and glare at Gajeel.

Levy goes next to him and helps him up. She looks at me with sadness in her eye's, and then she looks away. I look around and see the people I use to talk to, turning away. Wendy stares at the guild mates as they turn their back to us. Some go and help Gajeel, the rest just continue to do whatever they were doing.

I look at the ground, and I walk away. Just as I am opening the door I feel a arm wrap around my waist. I look and see Natsu standing behind me. He has his head lowered, causing his bangs to cover his eyes. He puts his head on my shoulder, and he hugs me from behind.

Then a someone started talking. And everyone stopped and listened.

*Who was talking?! Find out whenever I update next! And thanks for reading! Oh I just wanna say that I will update my tagged book soon. And I am hoping that I can update my other books soon. Here is a pic for all of you guys!

Poor Zeref, he loved her so much, that it killed her

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Poor Zeref, he loved her so much, that it killed her.
Later ya players.

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