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As allura and honvera were about to sacrifice themselves they were stopped. What happen next surprise anyone who heard the story. Keith called someone it's still a mystery how he did it but he called the generals and they arrive with dark voltron. They told the paladins of old and lotor to go to honvera and allura. Then they walk towards the light and that was the last time anyone seen them. No body . No sign of them ever being there. No lance. No Keith. No hunk. No  shiro. No pidge. Allura even missed acxa,zethrid and ezor even if she didn't know them long.
11 years later
Yurak was standing as he saw his best friend take the black bayard. He wish he had tried to pilot red since he talks to red often. Kuro eyes found yurak and smiled. Yurak saw alfor, he was looking at him and so was trigel. It was kinda creepy but he knew they probably trying to figure out what he is doing here or trying to who he is.
Once it was finish yurak was going to leave when kuro shouted "yurak you made it". He turn to see kuro smiling at him while everyone was surprise the theif was a friend of the new black paladin. "Yurak come here" shouted kuro
Yurak walk towards kuro and when he got there. He give kuro a hug and kuro seem please with that. After hugging for a couple of seconds they pull away and kuro said "wow didn't expect that"
"I told you I would give you a hug" frowned yurak
"True, yurak know the way we have homework and there's a party tonight" said kuro
Yurak rolled his eyes and said "I will do your homework but remember you will have to stay with me for detention"
"Why would you get it "asked trigel
"One. He is rich, I am poor. Two he is a full breed while I am a human galra hybrid. Three. The teacher has it out for me "said yurak
"Maybe you didn't steal or answer her back "said kuro
"She asked a question and I answered it plus I live on the streets kuro I have to steal to live "said yurak
"You could stay at my house said kuro
Kuro you get bully enough without me staying at your house" frown yurak
"You really need to stop spending on others" said kuro
"You really need to shut up, now is that all" said yurak
"Are you going to the party "asked kuro
"No, someone has to look after your mother "frowned yurak
"Okay I get it" said kuro
"You needed to spend time with her like half your family calls me and tells me when she has a panic attack " frowned yurak
"I get it "said kuro
"Just...please it's bad enough that you didn't visit your father" said yurak
"Your just trying to get out of me making you go to the party" frowned kuro
"Again looking after your mother" sighed yurak
"Fine but ....wait how long do you stay at my house looking after my mother" asked kuro
"After school to 10 o'clock why do you ask you should know how long" said yurak
"I only pay you 50 per week" said kuro
"So your mother is pretty much like a mother to me I really don't  mind but she looks forward to your visits "said yurak
"Oh okay" said kuro
"Bye "said yurak then he start walking away
"Bye and yurak "said kuro
"Yeah "said yurak looking back
"Don't died" said kuro
"Kuro I once got shot 3 times if I can survive that I am sure I can survive it again" smiled yurak then ran.
Yurak loved the danger but he hated worrying kuro. He did what he told kuro he went to kuro parents house at 4 o'clock. They were dress in their finest and yurak had to get kuro father parents. Of course they tried to tell yurak but they forgot and kuro had a suit since it was planed. Mrs fields (kuro grandmother on his mother side) told kuro that over the phone while they were in the car.
Once there he helped Mrs fields up the stairs while her husband was bringing the present. Mr shirogane was being helped by his wife.
They were in the castle and before he knew it kuro pulled yurak up the stairs. Yurak was pulled into a large area . He guessed was the pubic bathroom.
"What's going on" asked yurak
"Well kuro grandparents wanted to come and you need a wash" smiled alfor
"And people wonder why I only like halfbreeds or anything but pure blood Alteans "frowned yurak
"Well I am going to change that" smiled alfor
"Good luck" said kuro
"Now let's get started "said blaytz
"Your joking right "said yurak
"Nope your hair is soo long it's in plats" said blaytz
"Would you rather I cut it with a knife plus Isabella likes platting my hair" frowned yurak
"Who "asked trigel
"You do realize 99.9 percent of halfbreeds live on the streets each night" said yurak
"Oh god" said alfor
"Now your realizing how bad it is after how many years" frowned yurak
"Well let's get started "smiled blaytz
Yurak was wash,clean and dry. When he was finish he was forced to sit down while Melenor cut his hair.
After being forced to wear a suit. He was late but apparently that was planed since they said to wait there.
"Now I know all of you might not like this" said alfor
Yurak cot on what is going on. He got the best scores and they usually give jobs to ones with the highest score.
That's why he told everyone soo much about me thought yurak
"Yurak, come down here "smiled alfor
Yurak walk down and people were shocked. He knew he looked different because you could see the actually skin tone,shine of hair and no dirt. He didn't like that they were stareing at him but he understand why.
He walk to stand beside them well more like behind them since he knew no one can really see him. But honvera use her magic to tug his shirt as alfor talked. When yurak didn't move she teleport to him and grab his arm then teleport them both to where honvera was before.
"You shouldn't have disobey" whispers honvera
"You shouldn't be working with people like me "said Keith
"No, I should you really think i didn't correct your record. You are doing things for others and yourself but it's still wrong" frowned honvera
"Mrs.honvera are you listening to yourself" frowned yurak it sound like a question.
"No wait what did you call me "said honvera
"I only said alfor or blaytz so they wouldn't have to say just alfor or just blaytz" frowned yurak
"Well.....Okay but only for now "said honvera
Yurak hummed and notice lotor looking at them.
"Yurak" said lotor out of the blue. Lotor was on the left side of the group and they were on the right so he interrupted alfor.
"Yes,lotor"  said yurak
"I know you don't like rules but I can't help but asked how old are you. You say you grow up with kuro but its obvious that your younger "said lotor
"Yeah I told alfor about what his true age is" said kuro
"Well" asked honvera
"Yurak is actually 2 years younger so he is actually smarter then you think" smiled kuro
"Now that is exaggerating "frowned yurak
"Yeah but still impressing" smiled kuro
"I hate you "frowned yurak
"Love you too, Y "smiled kuro
"Y" asked trigel
"His nickname like mine is K doe we have other nicknames" smiled kuro
"Oh well anyways yurak will be working with honvera and some other. Any questions please raise your hand. I am sure, yurak will answer some of them" smiled alfor
Nearly everyone raise their hands so yurak just pick out one and wasn't excepting the question. "Where's your parents "asked the guy
"James, we said no personal questions" gasped kuro
"No it's fine, I never knew them" frowned yurak
"Sure" frowned James
"Do I look like I am lying" asked yurak
"Oh I am sorry" said James
Yurak gave him a fake smile and said "it's fine "
Of course they would go personal as time went on. It got to the point where alfor sent yurak up and he could hear him giving out. Yurak walk to the kitchen and asked if he could bake something since kuro did become the black paladin. The people there didn't mind and was amazed at how he seem fine with the heat since it took them awhile to get use to it. Once yurak was done he asked one of the servants where kuro was. The servant brought him to the hangers where kuro and the others were.
"Do you want cake" asked yurak
"Wait did you bake it" asked kuro
"Yes kuro I did "said yurak
Kuro grab it and took a slice. The others were confused.
"He likes my cooking" smiled yurak
"Likes, yurak Your amazing at cooking seriously you should have taken a cheif job instead of a waiter "said kuro
"I promise your mother that I would bake for her plus I am not into cooking that much" said yurak setting the cake on the table at the side of the hangers.
"Can I try" asked gyrgan
"I would have made it small if it was only for kuro then again he can fit anything into his big mouth" said yurak
"Hey" said kuro
"Hey it's true and you know it" smirked yurak
"Yurak, come here for a second" said honvera she was very close to the lions.
Yurak went over to her and said "what is it."
"Is it true you never try to touch the shield" asked honvera
"No point in trying" shrugged yurak
"Why isn't there "asked lotor
Yurak tilted his head to the side and looked confused. He then said "the lions choose people who are close to the last one personality just because I am blood related to the last doesn't mean I will be red paladins"
"True, now I heard your good at climbing" said honvera
"Are you bad at anything" asked lotor
"Lotor" said honvera
"What" said lotor
"No it's fine and I was terrible at a lot of things but I practice because you never know what skill you might need in the future" said yurak
"True" smiled lotor
"Now alfor will you put red shield down" asked honvera
Alfor made red put her shield down then yurak climb and got what they needed and got down.
"Soo is that your super power" asked Nat
"Hmm so you thought we all have special abilities" hummed yurak
"Do you" asked Nat
"Mind reading,seeing in the dark, able to climb, speed and telea- I am not even going to try say the last one" said yurak
"How come Keith never shown that" asked kuro
"You finally ask well according to the diary he left behind he want to be normal even if people knowing he was a hybrid" said yurak
"Well we better go" said kuro he looked to see everyone was holding a slice of cake and they all left except yurak who went up to red. Red had put up her force field but when yurak touch it. It went down and he heard someone saying "I will get yurak" and he ran to the door. He "walked" into trigel.
"Yurak what is taking you soo long" asked trigel
"Sorry if I was talking to a servant" said  yurak
"Yurak, you don't like me I don't like you so tell me the truth" said trigel
"I know you don't like me why do you think I want to stay away from you" frowned yurak
"Wait so you don't hate me "asked trigel
"Miss Trigel asked anyone that grew up with me you were one of my heroes of course I don't hate you" frowned yurak
"Oh I am soo sorry" said trigel
"No I am sorry I shouldn't have made it seem that way" said yurak
"Well there may be a uneasy thing about you but I guess I should try to know you before deciding not liking you" smiled trigel
"Yup now come on" said yurak
He walked out of the hangers thinking  I hope I don't have to go in there.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2019 ⏰

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