8- Finding Anne or...Me?

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Jamie's POV

My body shivered at the cold air meeting my sweaty skin. Devil slammed his hands angrily on top of the table I used for protection causing a loud whimper to leave my mouth.

"Wait, shh...did you here that?"

Devil's boots thud harshly on the tiled floor.

'We are dying,'

'He's going to find us! Jamie, do something!'

What could I do? Okay, I had to stay my ground, I mean he had to leave eventually. Right?

"Find him, or so help me I will make your life a personal hell you will live with until you die." Devil yelled.

The guards nodded, running out of the room with their guns and armor. Devil sighed angrily and kicked the table, exposing me in full view for him. He turned around, pinching the bridge of his nose with his eyes closed.

'Jamie, RUN!'

'Hide behind the curtains!'

My hands supported my weight and I lightly jogged behind the blood stained curtains breathing heavily. I gulped a ball of spit that formed in my mouth. Devil whistled and soon left the...room.

He slammed the door behind him, locking it. Oh no. No, no, no, no. This can't be happening. I sprint to the door and jiggle the door knob before slamming my head repeatedly on the wooden barrier in front of me.

"Stupid! I'm so stupid!"


'He realizes it!'

'Hush, he is sad!'

'Jamie, why so sad?'

Stupid! I am so stupid! How could I get locked in this room. Especially this one? I suck in a breath and turn around slowly looking at my surroundings. Bad memories flooded my mind, memories that I wanted to burn.

The surgical table that Devil kicked showed all the tools he used, especially those suture scissors. They weren't even used for that! He used them to cut through the flesh instead, used to grab the "good stuff" he said.

What did he mean by that? No one knew.

'Jamie, come one we need to find her,'

'It is too late, she is dead.'


'That is going to be you if we don't do something!'

Anne wasn't dead, I could feel it. She was still with me and my gut told me that. We need to find her fast!

My feet lead me to the other side of the room, on the opposite side of the other curtains. There was another door, one that had a small window in it. I walk up to it, praying that it is open.

Before finding out myself, the door creaked open causing me to hide behind it. In walked Jane, her heels clicked loudly as she walked up to the hospital bed resting in the middle of the room.

Her eyes glared and flickered around to boxed area until finally...they met mine. I jumped in front of her, covering her mouth with my rough and dirty hand. I pushed her against the bed watching her struggle in my grasp.


'She knows where Anne is!'

'Threaten her!'

'Do it.'

My other hand wrapped around her neck, choking her life before her eyes. She screamed and whimpered causing my hand to become wet from her saliva. Ugh, gross.

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