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Hey, hey, hey, hey
No, no, no, no
Hey, hey, hey, hey

Sabrina's POV

There's this quiet girl at school. Nobody has ever really heard her speak, well at least not unless a teacher was asking a question. Just a normal teenage girl that I so happen to have a crush on.

Today at school, they we're showing a movie. I didn't think she would be going since it was after school, but she did. Her dyed purple hair was pulled into a high ponytail and she sat alone in a place where there wasn't any students. She pulled at the sleeves of her hoodie self-consciously.

My heart felt like it was beating out of my chest as I decided to make a small move, and I sat next to her. She looked up, sensing my presence. I sent a small smile.

"You know you don't have to sit next to me. I'm fine being alone." She said, her voice soft and gentle. Wow, her voice... It's beautiful.

Oh no
You can get real close, talking, your talking now
Underneath our clothes, pretending we know it all

"I know, but I wanted to." I said, and she quirked an eyebrow. She turned her attention to the movie that was playing as they shut off the lights and it got quiet.

Shut off the light just to hide in the dark, dark, dark
Think I know you the farther you are



The movie started and I tried to get rid of the acceleration of my heart. Kind of hard to do when she's sitting next to me.

I'm not exactly shy, but just quiet. There's not a reason for that. I'm just usually by myself so I've grown accustomed to it. I was just a bit surprised when a popular girl, being Sabrina, sat next to me. But no, that's not why it feels like my heart is beating out of my chest.

It's because I like Sabrina, as like more than a friend. Yet, I know what might happen so I'm trying not to let down the walls that I've put up.

Like, A-B-C-D that can work so perfectly
If perfect was the kinda thing that worked for me
But I wanna feel nervous, just a little bit off the edge
Wanna feel, feel, feel
Even if I know that I'll will end up in a maze

I've had a girlfriend one time, and we broke up because she cheated. So for a while I spent long nights crying. I got tired of feeling the way I did and shut down any emotions that could lead to that. Somewhere in the back of my mind though, my mind is saying that maybe liking Sabrina isn't a bad thing.

Like aye, aye, aye, aye, aye it won't be perfect
But I know oh, oh, oh it could be worth it
And for all the nights, tears running down my face
Messing up my mascara
It's not perfect aye, aye, aye but maybe that's what we need
That's what we need

Sabrina's POV

Throughout the movie, I would sneak glances at Y/N. I noticed how she would mess with the ring on her finger occasionally when she seemed to be lost in space. "Are you okay?" I whispered and she nodded though it seemed like she was out of it still.

I don't know what happened, but she suddenly left the auditorium quickly. I followed behind her and saw her head to the bathroom. From outside the door, I could hear soft sobs coming from inside.

I went in and saw Y/N crying in front of the mirror, but as soon as she saw me she wiped them away. "What?" She asked, looking at me from the reflection of the mirror.

Just give me some friction, let me see what nobody sees
(Nobody sees)

"What's wrong? Why are you crying?" I asked. She shook her head and turned around.

"It's nothing really." She said and tried to leave the bathroom but I blocked the door. She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

“If it's nothing then why were you crying? I want to know Y/N.” I said.

You don't think that I can handle the truth?
(Handle the truth, handle the truth)

"You know my name?" She asked, surprised. I nodded. "Of course I do. I mean I have all the same classes as you."

"Really? I didn't think you noticed." She said, looking down at the ring on her finger.

Baby I'm over just playing it cool, oh

"How could I not notice you? I mean you're one of the beautiful people I know." I said.

"Did you just call me beautiful?" She asked, looking back up with a light blush on her cheeks. I nodded with a small smile. "Yes I did."

It's either now or never. "You know Y/N. I really like you." I said and she shook her head.

"No you don't. You don't even know me." She said.

"I don't? Well then how would I know that you usually like being alone. That you don't like attention. That when you get nervous that you play with that ring on your finger. Not to mention that you are one of the smartest people in class but you like to keep it a secret. Maybe I don't know you personally, but I do want to know you that way as well. Because I like you. I really do." I said, and she didn't say anything.

"Let me see what nobody else sees Y/N." I said.

Like, A-B-C-D that can work so perfectly
If perfect was the kinda thing that worked for me

"I like you too." She said, her eyes sparkling.

"You know it might not be perfect." She said.

"Maybe not, but I promise it'll be worth it." I said and put my hands on her both sides of her face. My eyes flickered to her lips then back to her eyes. "Can I?" I asked and she nodded. We kissed passionately and I swear it felt like fireworks.

"So do you want to go back to the movie?" I asked when we pulled apart.

"Sure." We walked back to the auditorium hand in hand.

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