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I feel the cold barrel of a gun against the temple of my forehead. My eyes shoot open, Riddler. I slowly raise my hands as I sit up in my cell.

"You dare challenge me foolish girl." His voice was smooth, taunting and intriguing all the same.

"Perhaps I do." I speak slowly, my gaze locked with his dangerously blue eyes.

"Those are fool's words." He said, grabbing my arm to instruct me to stand. My heart starts to beat out of my chest.

"Alright, I'm a foolish girl." I speak stubbornly, not wanting him to be in control with my answers.

"What, no denial?" His grip tights on the gun, keeping his voice low. "You know I kill fools."

"Maybe I'm excepting of fate."

"You're suicidal."

"No." My voice remains calm, trying to seem like I had some sense of control in a situation I am utterly helpless in. "I'm bored. Life is boring in Arkham...your the only thing I thing I can mess with that will pass time." The truth spills from my lips, as I can not control my thoughts from spilling out.

"So your tiny brain believes I'm your pawn." The Riddler speaks in disbelief, before his smirk reappears. His laughter upsets me a little, those eyes looking down on me as if I were a child to him.

His laughter fades into a dark, threatening like tone that sets me on edge.

"Please, you don't even know what game we're playing."

My cell began to feel small as I take another step away from him. I could not escape the gun pressed against the temple of my head. The cool glass wall presses up against my back preventing me from distancing myself as he looms closer.

"I was the one who manipulated Batman to send you here so I could slowly break you. Your mind melts away, driving you insane so your abilities will be used to my advantage. You only believe I'm your pawn because that's what I've wanted you to see the whole time. The only reason your cell is beside mine, ICE, is to drive you to the point of mentally instability so I can manipulate your fragile sense of self against your pathetic robin."

Ice, Ice, Ice

The name echoed down the hallways of Arkham, taunting me. My face pales,"How did you-"

"As I said before, I am the Riddler." He leans in, his lips that formed a smug smirk inches from mine." I know everything, including your deepest, darkest inner thoughts, Kay..." His hand ran up my thigh slowly, proving his point on how easily I could be manipulated. I couldn't breath. A malicious smile creeped on his face as the sound of a gun shot filled the air-

I gasp for breath, my eyes shooting wide open upon hearing the sound. A second goes by where I notice no wounds or pain. It all felt so real. My gaze quickly darts over to his cell in an effort to make sure he was fast asleep. Shock floods over me as I found it empty, making my heart pump faster. "How?" I gasp softly, scared that perhaps what I experienced was in fact real.

"Looking for something?" His charmingly smug voice interrupts my thoughts, making me jump. A hand places itself over my mouth, "Shhhh, it's only me darling." I spin to see Edward standing besides me.

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