Chapter 1

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Our voices rose above the sacred silence. A sudden gush of pain jolted throughout Leo's body. Her stomach ached, her arms lost tension and her legs began to weaken. She lay gasping on the cold dirty floor of her school's girls bathroom, it felt as if she would never breathe again. Her tormentors smiled down at Leo in a way that never meant good things.

The leader of the bimbo trio shura stepped out. Tossing her amber hair she glanced Leo's way, into eyes she knew weren't mesmerized in the slightest. "why are you looking at me like that, are you gay too" she said, eyes narrowed and head tilted to let her hair dangle around her.

"No. I just know a bitch when I see one." Leo said struggling to catch her breath.

shura simply smiled. The smile that lit her features was the wrong sort. It's like she ran on cold malice instead of any form of genuine affection. Perhaps she was a baby that was left to cry or had a personality disorder the doctors couldn't fix. Leo thought silently.

shura bent pulling Leo to her feet, almost tearing her shirt collar. she heard the slight rasp of the material ripping. "You think this is funny?" Shura snaps.

She glares at Leo with hatred in her cruel dull eyes. "You are an extremely stupid girl. Aren't you?"

"Wait for shura" interrupted the brunette bimbo. "The bell rang we need to leave"

shura threw Leo back to the hard floor and spun on her heels towards the bathroom door. "saved by the bell" she said fixing her shirt and skirt before exiting the room. She opened the door and a rush of sound could be heard, the sound of the school bell and students rushing to their next class. The door closed behind the trio and it was once again silent.

Leo sat there a few more moments collecting herself as her tears poured out uncontrollably. She stood and walked to the sink first. She stood there, sunken eyes staring back at her. The makeup was gone from her face, her hair was frizzed. She fell forward, catching herself on the porcelain sink and bowed her head, shoulders shaking, struggling to keep breathing. Her entire body seemed to sag with exhaustion and numbed agony.

She moved out of the bathroom not bothering to fix her crumpled clothes and messed upbraid. The hall was quiet now and the only sounds came from the tapping of her shoes on the floor.

Leo felt as if she stood on the edge of something she couldn't describe. The weight of everything seemed to press down on her small shoulders and she struggled to take even a single step forward. It was too much. All of it. And somehow, she kept moving. But every step would be a step closer to her end.

She kept walking the darkness grew darker; the pain grew sharper; all of it seemed to only grow in strength and she began to wonder if things could ever get better. Suddenly she felt incredible pain, A moment later she felt the shards of glass rip through her skull and torso. As her battered body fell to the floor she saw the crosswalk and a shaken truck driver running to her side.

Juliet woke up screaming, wide eyes, and sweaty palms. Her hot, salty head pops up from half soaked pillows, her heart in a pounding state of emergency. She sat up and after a second of intense panic her brain-rushing in overdrive, it suddenly dawns on her ...It was all just a dream. she slumped down in a state of exhaustion. ' what kind of shitty dream was that!' she thought thinking back at the truck that had just struck her in the dream. It had felt so real. On top of that, she was someone she's never seen before.

Juliet pinched the bridge her nose trying to soothe her growing headache and brushed loose hair out of her face. 'maybe its because I've been sleeping less, or is my day going to be as shitty as my dream' she pondered. "I should be careful today," she said coached herself aloud. Her alarm rotated between about six different annoying noises of varying pitch and volume. It sounded like disco music for the anti-christ. picking up her phone to check the time she saw it was already 6am. She jumped out of bed hoping into jeans and a t-shirt not bothering to shower. "I'm going to be late!"

Note: New book yay! what do you think so far?

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Note: New book yay! what do you think so far?

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