Chapter 2

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18 years, that's how long I've been living this life. My mother who ran away and left her only daughter alone in poverty and with an abusive father. And a father who left shortly after mother did with no regrets. The me who was left all alone didn't have time to be sad.

I was a werewolf with no pack and no family. I had to run and do whatever it took to survive. Before my father ran he had gambled away our house and the clothes off our backs. He ran from our debt and I was left to work to pay off what we owed to Mr. Vadaken. A loan shark in New York City. I worked three jobs to pay off this loan. I was busy struggling every day like a dog.

This morning I was late for my job as a waitress. I got yelled at but I worked extra hard even staying late. My afternoon job was as a fighter. well, punching bag to be exact at a local boxing gym.

She heard the bell ring three times and the owner's voice, Mr cane calling out. " okay okay stop" he shouted.

Juliet stopped catching her breath and taking off her gear.

Mr. Cane walked over smiling ear to ear. " I'm surprised you got even better I haven't even bought you a thing"

Juliet smiled back at him happy for his compliment. "I've been working for your gym as a sparring partner for years, of course, I'd pick up a few things Mr."

He did a belly laugh and said: "of course that right people like you are so hard to come, by the other guys who join and quit on me in no time." Mr. Cane reached into his pocket and handed Juliet an envelope

" Heres your pay for today, are you sure you don't want to quit so I can train you full time?"

"Thank you, sir, but I will once I can afford it," she replied taking the sealed white envelope.

"That's a shame you'd be a great addition to the gym. You're tougher than all the men combined probably" he said giving it some real thought as Juliet exited the gym waving behind her.

Working for Mr. cane was my favorite wartime job. I've been sparing for him for since I was 10. Being a werewolf I was naturally stronger than the humans even if I was a woman. I loved the exercise and he let me use the gym whenever.

Walking down the main street Juliet reached into her pockets feeling for her days pay. She was almost finished paying off the loans. She squeezed the envelope feeling more hopeful than ever.

'Right now things are shitty but it won't be like that for long'. she though She imagined being a full-time boxer for Mr. Cane. Her thoughts then drifted when she saw a group of teenagers laughing. it seemed like they had just left school and were hanging out. School, That was her dream when she was younger. To go to school and learn, have friends, to be a normal kid.

'It might be too late but I'm sure I can go back and get my degree maybe even college'. she thought. This walk home was the most hopeful yet. She continued her five-mile walk back home to shower and rest up for her night job at the convince store.

Today is rainy day walking. Every person with their heads down and moving at maximum speed. Then the dream from this morning played back in her mind. She knew she should have been extra careful today. The only mistake she made was getting distracted by her future plans. If only she could wake up and do it all over. What were the chances of this...

Juliet looked up as the sounds of a horn rushed her senses. Next, she saw headlight and the shocked expression of a truck driver.



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