Once a Slave

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I personally really like this oneshot.

I have a very important question to ask after this.

As per usual please enjoy, and I love reading your comments.


"First price going on 200 can I get a 200? 200! Do I hear a 250? 250! Do I hear a--500?! Do I hear a 550?"

Yells of numbers filled the boy's ears as people bidded on him. Men and women of all ages trying to buy the young man standing on a box to auction him off.

He kept his head lowered staring at the ground, the leather collar around his neck chaffing his skin making him uncomfortable. The only thing covering his body was a piece of cloth around his waist serving as shorts. He fidgeted as the weight of the chains around his wrists and ankles made him feel heavier by the second.

"2,000!! Do I hear anyone else anyone? Sold to the young wo--"

"50,000." Everyone gasped turning around and looking for the face of the voice. A tall man stepped foward from the crowd dressed in a large coat and a hat barely covering his hair, tuffs of pink strands sticking out.

The boy looked up instantly wondering who is the man that bidded so much on him. The auctioneer stared at the man wide eyed and mouth open still in shock at how high the stranger bid. He laughed at the man, "yeah right boy, like you could afford that." The people laughed as well but stopped as soon as the man threw a sack of money into the auctioneer's hands.

"Well are you gonna stand there and catch flies with your mouth or are you gonna give me what I paid for." The pink haired man said putting his hands on his hips.

The auctioneer cleared his throat snapping out of his daze, "Right, Uhm sold to the man in the hat!" He announced to the crowd.

Whisperes and chatters broke out amongst the people wondering who this man was and how he had so much money. There were only three houses in this town that were able to pay such prices: The Jeon house, Wang house, and the Choi house. And as far as they knew this man wasn't from any of them.

"Come on boy!" The auctioneer spat pulling on the chains to get the boy off the box.

The boy stumbled catching himself at the last minute before he was able to trip and fall. The buyer scowled but kept his mouth shut none the less, if they found out who he is they would take him and sell him too.

"Here's your slave mister, nice doin' business with ya." The auctioneer bowed his head slightly and began auctioning off the next slave.

The man motioned for the boy to follow him, the rattle of the chains around the slaves wrists and ankles being the only thing they could hear.

They walked for a good 15 minutes before the man turned around stopping in the middle of a dirt road, absolutely no one around. The boy looked at his buyer, they were the same height yet the man seemed slightly older. He was surprised seeing the man smile at him warmly.

"Hi, I'm sorry if I seemed harsh or cold a little earlier. I just had to make sure we were far away from everybody before I introduced myself. My name is Kim Seokjin, but you can just call me Jin. What's your name?"

The boy hesisitated at first before responding, "Taehyung...Kim Taehyung."

Jin grinned at the boy, "well nice to meet you Taehyung-" he stared at the boys chains and collar and gave him a sad smile, "unfortunately I can't get those off of you right now but once we get home our owner will be able to take those right off."

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