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"We need to get out of this place." Toni said grabbing a whole bunch of his suitcases.

"What are you talking about?" Kenny asked watching how she threw a whole bunch of his clothes into all the suitcases.

"Ken! They're coming for you, for me. For both of us!" She shouted before his phone rang.

"Don't answer that." She sternly said.

He looked from his phone at her before he tossed it out the window grabbing her hands right after.

"Look at me and tell me what's going on?" Kenny demanded.

"If they find us we go to jail for a very long time." Toni said before she broke out in tears.

"Wait... why are you going to jail?"

"I helped you. You were suppose to be in prison 2 months ago, but I shut the operation down. I led them into the wrong direction." Toni confessed.

"That night at the casino, I was suppose to let you sleep with me and than inject you with a truth-syrup so you would confess but I couldn't." She continued.

"And that day you took me with you to get the drug packages and I told you to leave, I was suppose to arrest you." She added, "I could not do it, and now they know." She cried.

He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into his embrace.

"They'll have to kill me first before they get to you." Kenny said.

"No. Because they won't find us, but we have to leave Ken." She whined. "If it's gonna make you feel better, than okay." He said grabbing his bags.

Kenny looked down at her shaky hands, he grabbed them and looked her up and down.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just scared..." She trailed off before grabbing one of his bags and rushing out.

They shut the trunk as Kenny tapped his pockets. Toni froze in her tracks and looked at Kenny with confusion.

"Kenneth." She scolded, "I left my cash." He said.

Toni's eyes widened as a red laser dot was placed right on his chest.

"Ken..." She whispered, "watch out!" She yelled jumping him over.

They laid on the ground for a few minutes before Toni felt a substance on her skin.

"Ken!" She panicked once she noticed it was blood. "Baby!" She cried.

"It's gonna be okay." He whispered, she tore a piece of her fabric from her shirt before pressing it down over his wound.

"Listen to me..." He began grabbing her free hand, tears kept running down her face. "You're gonna be okay. You're such a brave woman, you reminded me so much of my mom. She used to be just like you... ambitious, not afraid to take on the world. And I think that's what made you so different from the rest of the world. Let's be honest, I was never gonna be good enough for you-"

"Shut up. Don't say that, you were everything and more." Toni cried. "You have another chance at life."

"You're not gonna die. Stop saying these things."

"Baby, this is what it has come to." Kenny said, placing his blood stained hand onto her cheek. "No. Ken, Ken please..." She trailed off.

"Promise me one thing..." He said, she nodded weakly. "If you ever have a baby with anyone, name him Kenny." He smiled weakly.

"I love you." He said as she leaned in and kissed his lips before she slowly pulled away.

"And I love you." She cried before his chest stopped moving, "Ken no! Please Ken... I love you!" She sobbed laying her head down on his chest as she sniffed shaking uncontrollably from the way she was sobbing.

Pulling herself together, she closed his eyes before she looked up and by surprise her eyes landed on the roof area of the building opposite them. She squinted her eyes watching as the person dressed in black quickly got up and grabbed the sniper they had and disappeared. A couple of squad cars showed up just as Owen got out, and walked up to her.

"You. You guys did this!" She yelled. "You are under arrest for being the accomplice to a drug dealer, murderer and on the run criminal." Owen said completely ignoring what she had just said.

final chapter coming soon¡

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