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"Are you here to arrest me?" Kenny questioned nonchalantly.

"I got fired." Toni sadly said with her head dropped.

"Is this one of your stunts again?"

"No." She whispered, "I got fired because I lied to them, I didn't give them enough info on you and because I was protecting you." She looked up at him.

He had no readable expression on his face. He looked into her eyes noticing the sincerity. He swallowed his saliva before he stepped to the side and allowed her to walk in.

"You have no idea how sorry I am." She weakly said before breaking down in tears.

"I had not realised how much my feelings changed for you. I wanted to tell you, I just didn't know how. I didn't know when or where." She sobbed placing her hand over her chest because it began to ache.

"I truly am sorry." She bit her lip calming her tears. "Please forgive me, things between us happened so fast and I didn't know where we were going with this. You have no idea how many times I covered up for you during my assignment." She went on. "I understand if you never want to see me again its okay with me-"

"Its okay." He said mid sentence, "I'll get past it- what?" She froze looking up at him.

"It's okay." He said again.

She stayed silent as he shook his head and walked into his bedroom. She frowned, what just happened? She swallowed her saliva before she began to walk towards his door.

Kenny stood underneath the shower head allowing the water to run down over his body. He rested both his hands down on the ice cold tiles on the wall. Thinking back on everything, she wasn't a bad liar after all... Everything just made him angry. He felt a pair of arms wrap around him and soft kisses placed down on his back.

"You didn't accept my apology." Toni said resting her head down on his back.

"Because I haven't forgiven you." Kenny nonchalantly said, "why did you do it?" He questioned.

Toni could sense the pain in his voice, silence filled the atmosphere as the running water created the only sound.

"I love you." They both said in unison.

Toni's eyes widened as she felt him take her hands into his, he moved her around bringing her in front of him with her back against the wall. He looked into her eyes before they both leaned in and connected their lips. Their hands caressed as their tongues began to fight for dominance.

Toni pulled back, watching as Kenny licked his lips staring down at her. She pulled her right hand away placing it down on his cheek.

"Does this mean I'm forgiven?" She asked trailing her eyes from his face to his lips.


He let her hand go and gripped her waist hiking her up, Toni didn't even reply. She just kissed his lips as he pushed himself into her. She gaped her mouth open while boldly looking him in the eyes. He eased her up and down on his shaft slowly so she could get adjusted to him.

"Ken..." She moaned gripping his head making him rest his head down on her chest as she rested her head on top of his.

Toni got out her Range Rover walking up to her front door. She froze in her tracks as she realised her front door was halfway open along with her doorknob that was broken laying on the ground.

She swallowed her saliva pulling her gun out of her clutch walking up to the door. She pushed it open further before she walked in. Her eyes widened at the sight before her.

"Who would've done this?" She asked scanning the disaster they had created.

Her home was completely violated, everything was tossed around and out of place. It looked as if someone had broken in. Tears fell from her eyes as the mess filled her with rage. Who could've done this? She carefully walked over everything picking up some things along the way before she came across a pamphlet, she opened it up and scanned over the writing.

You're being watched.

2 more chapters left¡

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