0.25 - The End

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"It's been 6 hours and still she hasn't said anything." Gail said to Owen.

Omar leaned onto the table looking straight at Toni. She had no readable facial expression on her face.

"Answer me Toni!" He yelled banging his hands down on the table.

She looked at him crazy as if he had grown two heads before she slowly dropped her head.

"I'm grieving." Toni whispered, "have some respect for me." Toni added looking up at him angrily. "I just lost the love of my life!" She angrily shouted.

"I'm sorry for your loss." He simply said.

She sniffed staring up at him.

"Was it you?" She asked. "Did you shoot him?" She asked again. "No." He hissed.

"Of course, you were the only one that wasn't at the crime scene." She added. "You damn asshole!" She spat ready to charge at him but the two officers behind her pulled her back into her seat.

"You killed Ken!" She shouted, "so what if I did?" He shouted back.

"Why?" She whimpered with tears running down her face. "He never did anything to you." She said on the verge of a break down.

"Because he had you! He had you..." Omar trailed off.

Toni raised her eyebrows in confusion, as Omar sat down in the chair across from her.

"I love you Toni, I've always been in love with you." Omar sighed, "I can't do this." Omar said getting up grabbing his bright yellow hoodie which caught Toni's eye.

"You gave Kenny the letter..." She mumbled causing him to turn around with his eyebrows raised. "What?"

"Nothing." She quickly responded shaking her head in the process.

Owen walked in right after Omar walked out, Toni rolled her eyes whilst wiping away her tears in the process. Owen's presence annoyed her so much.

"I didn't think it would've come to this." Owen began.

"But it did." Toni continued for him.

"I wanna leave." Toni softly said. "Well you can't." Owen said.

"Let me rephrase that, I'm going to leave."

"Well you're not really in a position to be making your own decisions." Owen shrugged.

"Well neither are you." Toni spat.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm going to walk out here like nothing happened and none of your men are gonna come after me, because if I go to prison... you go with me. Remember, the assignment was illegal." She nonchalantly said.

Owen let out a breathe as silence filled the atmosphere. He banged on the window yelling, "let her go!"

Toni smiled holding her handcuffed hands towards him as he sucked his teeth removing the keys from his belt buckle that it was tied to.

1 year later

"Hi baby." Toni said trying hard not to cry as she stared at the tombstone with Kenny's information on.

She looked up shutting her eyes to prevent the tears from falling but she had failed miserably. She looked back down before squatting down in front of it.

"I miss you. Everyday." She spoke shaking her head at the thought whilst the tears ran down her face.

"We would've been so damn happy." She said through gritted teeth, "my life would've been so much different." She said.

"I would've been happy... well I am happy." She chuckled thinking back.

"I'm moving to France next month," she nodded her head wiping away her tears. "With our daughter, yeah. You're a daddy." Toni smiled.

"She's the prettiest, smartest and happiest baby girl." Toni said, "she laughs at everything." Toni laughed at the thought. "I also named her Kennedy, because it's the name her daddy wanted her to have." Toni said biting her lip as tears formed in her eyes.

"She makes me so happy." Toni grinned patting her thighs. "I love her so much, and I promise that she will know who her daddy is." Toni said wiping away her tears.

"A year ago today, you were shot." She shook her head. "I know this is my first time coming here to see you since your funeral but I've just been hurting and I needed the strength and here I am now. Because Kennedy gives me the will and power to go on..." She trailed off wiping away the other set of her tears before she stood up.

"I swear on our daughters life. That I won't let your death go unpunished. In due time, I'll come back." She nodded.

"To get my revenge."

To be continued...

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